CCP4: Software for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography
Slurm scripts
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=ccp4 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --time=8:00:00 #SBATCH --mem=128g #SBATCH --partition=norm module load ccp4 superpose q.pdb -s -all t.pdb -s -all foo_out.pdb
Interactive Use
CCP4 also includes an interactive graphical interface. This application requires an X-Windows connection.
srun --export ALL --pty -p norm --ntasks=2 bash module load ccp4 ccp4i2
This will bring up a window allowing access to multiple packages through the GUI interface.
Build instructions for those who are curious
Download from CCP4
$ cd /mnt/nasapps/production/ccp4 $ tar xf MoRDa_DB.tar.gz $ tar xf ccp4-9v.0.005-shelx-arpwarp-linux64.tar.gz $ mv cpp4-9 9.0.005 $ cd 9.0.005 $ ./BINARY.setup $ cp -a /usr/share/qt5/translations .