The entrance to Old Farm Gate.
As of Jan. 5, all visitors to Fort Detrick are required to undergo a National Crime Information Center background check prior to entering base. The background checks are conducted at Old Farm Gate. The new access procedures may cause delays at all Fort Detrick gates, but especially at Old Farm Gate.
Access requirements have not changed for employees and personnel with a federal/NIH PIV card. Other types of identification badges are no longer acceptable.
Individuals with a valid federal/NIH PIV card can continue to vouch for all vehicle occupants (except foreign visitors) through the Trusted Traveler Program, according to a handout on the Fort Detrick website. However, all visitors must be prepared to show identification before entering base.
Nallin Gate, located at the intersection of Opposumtown Pike and Amber Drive, is expected to open on March 30, and will become the new visitors’ gate. Visitors will no longer be granted access through Old Farm Gate. Hours at the Old Farm and Veterans Gates will also change on March 30, and both the Rosemont and Opossomtown Pike Gates will be closed to all traffic.
For more information about changes to gate access procedures and gate hours, see the article on the Fort Detrick website, or visit the following NCI at Frederick web pages:
If you have any questions, please contact Protective Services at 301-846-1091.