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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and Single Cell Genomics to Understand the Cellular Complexity of the Human Brain


Thursday, April 4, 2024

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM


Location Not Applicable


Maria Gomez 240-760-7329

Event Type

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Event Description

Although generative artificial intelligence (AI), a’la ChatGPT, is receiving a lot of “attention” these days, there are many other options for using AI to support biomedical research. In order to help analyze and interpret single cell genomics data, we have found that AI approaches that retain “explainability” are especially useful in providing functional insights into the underlying biological systems being studied, in this case, the human brain. Dr. Scheuermann brings vast expertise in informatics, data science, and computational methods coupled with experience in immunology and infectious diseases to his new role at NLM. Alternative Meeting Information: Meeting number: 2319 134 3591 Password: CAvtjHh*634

Featured Speaker(s)

Dr. Richard Scheuermann PhD NLM

Hosted By

Bioinformatics Training & Education Program (BTEP)