The Poster features the news, local events, and people of the scientific, administrative, and support communities at NCI at Frederick in Frederick, Maryland. It is published by Frederick National Laboratory's Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media department for NCI at Frederick. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.
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Staff and Contributors
Poster Editorial Staff

Mary Ellen Hackett
Editorial Advisor
Public Affairs and Communications Office
Frederick National Laboratory

Samuel Lopez
Managing Editor, Staff Writer
Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media
Frederick National Laboratory

Karolina Wilk
Editor, Staff Writer
Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media
Frederick National Laboratory

Lisa Simpson
Editor, Staff Writer
Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media
Frederick National Laboratory

Tammy Schroyer
Lead Designer, Website Coordinator
Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media
Frederick National Laboratory
Poster Contributing Writers
Frederick National Laboratory: Mary Ellen Hackett, communications manager, Frederick National Laboratory Public Affairs and Communications Office
FNL Partnerships and Tech Transfer: Victoria Brun, partnership project manager, Frederick National Laboratory Center for Innovation and Strategic Partnerships
NCI Technology Transfer Center: Michele Newton, communications editor, NCI Technology Transfer Center