Poster Session

Tuesday, April 26, 2022
12:45 – 2:15pm

When it’s time, join the poster session

SpatialChat is a virtual meeting platform enabling the additional dimension of space and proximity. Participants can engage in separate conversations based on the proximities of their avatars. This means that presenters can hang out by their posters and attendees can go around and chat with the presenters if their avatars are close enough to the presenter—an experience resembling in-person poster sessions!

Please use this link to a video that may help to familiarize yourself with the platform:

The poster session will be a live event and each poster will be displayed in a separate room that corresponds with the author’s poster number in the program booklet. Using your avatar, you will “stand” close to the presenter you would like to interact with.  To view another presentation simply click on a different room listed on the right-hand side of the screen.  Remember the closer you move your avatar to the speaker, the better you will hear them. 


SpatialChat recommendations for poster session attendees:

  • It is recommended to use the Google Chrome internet browser to access SpatialChat
  • If having audio or video problems check the settings icon within the Spatial Chat window on the top right – make sure that the correct speaker and microphone is selected
  • Use the zoom function in the bottom right to zoom into poster

If the link to join does not work, please cut and paste this link directly into a Google Chrome web browser.