
The following are tutorials for a few of the resources provided by the Scientific Library. If you need additional assistance, please contact the Library for more information.

EMBASE, Elsevier -- FAQs about EMBASE

EndNote, Clarivate -- Video trainings, online class schedule, and links to training guides and resources

Ensembl, recorded workshop complete with hands-on exercises

Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate-- short videos, links to print guides, and explanations of Journal Citation Reports metrics 

MATLAB Machine Learning, and MATLAB Data Science tutorials 

NCBI Education Page, Factsheets, tutorials and recorded webinars for all NCBI resources

PubMed, National Library of Medicine -- Online tutorials, recorded webinars, and other PubMed training resources

Reaxys, Training resources for Reaxys

ScienceDirect, Short tutorials demonstrating the ScienceDirect database of journal articles and book chapters

SciFinder, Informative tutorials about how to use this online resource of the Chemical Abstracts Service

Scopus- Elsevier -- Short tutorials

UCSC Genome Browser, Online tutorials provided by UCSC 

Web of Science, Clarivate-- Training resources for Web of Science platform and databases on the platform

ZINC Database and DockBlaster, Short video tutorials about finding screening compounds in ZINC and using DockBlaster

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