Alan Doss, a chemical informationist in the Scientific Library, stands next to the journal rack at the ATRF, where 20 print journals are displayed on a rotating basis.
By Robin Meckley, Contributing Writer
Employees at the Advanced Technology Research Facility (ATRF) asked the Scientific Library, and the library responded: print journals are now available in the ATRF Library.
Employees can now browse 20 print journals, which will rotate, with one issue available at a time for each title. The library will also temporarily display some new books each week. ATRF employees may indicate their interest in these books by signing the wait lists.
“Paper—an artifact of our glorious past—some say, yet others still love the feel of it, the weight of the words in their hands, the aroma of fresh ink, the sound of a turning page, the experience of browsing without a browser,” commented Alan Doss, a chemical informationist in the Scientific Library.
The following print journals are now available at the ATRF Library:
Anticancer Research
Cancer Letter
Cancer Research
Genes & Development
International Journal of Molecular Medicine
International Journal of Oncology
Molecular Cell
Nature Reviews Cancer
Nature Genetics
Nature Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine
Nucleic Acids Research
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Science News
Scientific American
Anticancer Research Cancer Letter Cancer Research Cell Genes & Development International Journal of Molecular Medicine International Journal of Oncology Molecular Cell Nature Nature Reviews Cancer Nature Genetics Nature Medicine New England Journal of Medicine Nucleic Acids Research Oncogene Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Science Science News Scientific American
The Frederick News-Post will also be available.
Third Annual Resource Fair Held April 11
For the third year in a row, the Scientific Library hosted a Resource Fair for NCI at Frederick employees so they can learn about the resources available to support their research.
This year’s fair, held April 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., featured a variety of outside vendors presenting valuable resources that are available from the Scientific Library. Representatives of databases and other tools set up their display tables in Building 549. They also offered demonstrations and answered questions in the library’s Technology Training Lab. These lab presentations were also videocast to a conference room in the Advanced Technology Research Facility.
OneSearch Available Soon
For years, Scientific Library users have asked the same question: “Why can’t I search all the different databases at the same time?” With the new resource, OneSearch, that wish may come true!
OneSearch, a resource that will be available soon, is a fast way to search Scientific Library collections—journal articles, books, media, and more—using a single search box. A large central index is compiled from more than 7,000 publishers and content providers, covering more than 90 percent of the library’s electronic journal subscriptions. OneSearch is powered by Summon from Serials Solutions.
Entering terms in the OneSearch search box will allow users to simultaneously search the Scientific Library’s online catalog, most of the library’s online journals, the full text of the online books collection, and databases such as Web of Science and PubMed. A click or two from the results screen may take users to full-text journal articles or book chapters, or will provide availability information for print books.
The staff of the Scientific Library will let everyone know as soon as this new resource is available for use.