NCI at Frederick is once again participating in the Feds Feed Families initiative, an annual food drive that addresses severe shortages of non-perishable items in food banks across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia during the summer months, when giving is at its lowest.
Last year, NCI at Frederick collected a total of 1,060 pounds of food through all special events. But this year, we’re raising the stakes, aiming to collect 1,000 pounds of food in a single day.
The big event will take place on Take Your Child to Work Day, held on Wednesday, June 28. A Feds Feed Families truck will be located near the registration table to collect donations.
All of your contributions will be donated to the Frederick Rescue Mission, helping families in need right here in the Frederick community.
Donations should consist of unexpired, unopened, undamaged, and non-perishable grocery items for adults, children, and pets. The items most wanted are canned meats such as tuna, salmon, or chicken; canned fruits and vegetables (low in sodium and sugar); dry goods such as cereal, grains, and pastas; canned or dried beans; peanut butter; healthy snacks such as applesauce cups, raisins, and granola bars; 100% juice (all sizes, including juice boxes); as well as baby formula and pet food.
Non-food items such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, tissues, and diapers are also in demand and appreciated.
This year’s food drive comes with extra incentive to give: The secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Thomas Price, has challenged the director of the USDA to a “food fight” to see which department can donate more. So make a list and get to the store before June 28!