Annie Rogers, Basic Research Laboratory, Center for Cancer Research (CCR), holds a completed pillowcase.
By Carolynne Keenan, Contributing Writer
The R&W Club Frederick hosted a sewing party on Feb. 18 to give employees a chance to help sew pillowcases for children hospitalized for illnesses and cancer treatments. The nonprofit organization ConKerr Cancer provides the pillowcases to children across the country.
Melissa Porter, administrative manager, Office of Scientific Operations, NCI at Frederick, and vice chair of the R&W Club Frederick, said the event went well. While the turnout was lower than expected, 27 pillowcases were completed, she said.
Sewing enthusiasts of all levels were invited to attend, as the club set up stations for each step of making a pillowcase. Participants could pin fabric, iron completed pillowcases for packaging, and sew pinned fabric into the cases.
The R&W Club Frederick plans to host another sewing party later this year. The club is still a collection point for completed pillowcases and is also accepting supplies, such as fabric.
For more information, including how to donate supplies and/or completed pillowcases, contact Melissa Porter at porterm@mail.nih.gov or 301-846-6878. For more information on ConKerr Cancer, visit the organization’s website.