A sample search result from the scientific publications database.
A 20-year-old database of scientific publications by NCI at Frederick, FNLCR, and affiliated employees has gotten a significant facelift. Maintained by the Scientific Library, the redesigned database—which is linked from each of the Scientific Library’s web pages—offers features that were not available in previous versions, such as additional search limits and non-traditional metrics for scholarly and scientific publishing known as altmetrics. Simple and advanced search functions are also available, and results may be exported to EndNote or as an Excel file.
Individual records within the database provide links to the full text of the item, as well as some records in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, and Web of Science. Hovering over the colorful Altmetric badge, when available, will display details about attention received by that item in social media, news outlets, and other sources. Clicking the link accompanying the badge provides access to additional limited information from Altmetric. Also identified in the individual records are Platinum Publications, a category of articles selected from a list of 42 prestigious science journals.
The Scientific Library wants to ensure that the information in the new database is complete and correct. If any NCI at Frederick scientific publications are not included, please contact the Library so that the article(s) may be added. It is especially helpful to know about books, book chapters, and patents, as those may not be included in the Library’s regular searches. The Library also welcomes all feedback regarding this resource.
Finally, the Scientific Library staff would like to thank Computer and Statistical Services for their assistance redesigning the scientific publications database. Their efforts went above and beyond the expectations of the Library to add many additional improvements to this resource.
Tracie Frederick is the Technology Informationist at the Scientific Library.