NCI recently updated its Tobacco-Free Policy to coincide with Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November.
This year, NCI was re-accredited as one of nearly 200 CEO Cancer Gold Standard employers across the United States. According to its website, “the CEO Cancer Gold Standard provides a framework for employers to have a healthier workplace by focusing on cancer risk reduction, early detection, and access to clinical trials and high-quality care.”
As part of this re-accreditation, NCI has updated its Tobacco-Free Policy. Part of this policy includes posting signs around campus reminding visitors and staff that NCI’s campus is tobacco-free. Therefore, the use of all tobacco products is prohibited. This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco.
NCI updated its Tobacco-Free Policy to coincide with Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November. During the month, participants make extra efforts to educate the public about the multiple programs available to help with smoking cessation. There are many reasons that people choose to quit. Whatever the reason, there is help with the often challenging process of quitting smoking. Tobaccos use “remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the U.S.,” reports the American Cancer Society. There are still about 42 million adults who smoke cigarettes, 12.4 million who smoke cigars, and more than 2.3 million who smoke tobacco in pipes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that in the past 50 years, 20 million deaths have been attributed to smoking.
If you currently use tobacco products and would like to quit, contact Occupational Health Services at 301-846-1096 to learn more about the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout event, and how you can get resources to help you quit. The following websites also offer more information, tools, tips, and resources for quitting tobacco.