By Andrea Frydl, Contributing Writer
The NCI at Frederick Employee Diversity Team (EDT) has made some changes for 2014. With the help of Data Management Services (DMS) staff, the EDT website has been revamped to have a more streamlined look and act as a “one-stop shop” for anything related to the EDT.
The team will use this website as the interface for all of its activities and encourages you to add it to your favorites list.
International Fellows and Students To Be Honored
The EDT is planning to showcase some of the international fellows and students at NCI at Frederick. In previous years, the EDT has featured “The Women of NCI at Frederick.” This year, the team will celebrate a broader spectrum of diversity by featuring the community’s junior scientists who are making a difference in the work environment at NCI at Frederick and contributing to the progress in the fight against cancer and AIDS.
Nominations have been received from across the facility for candidates in scientific, administrative, supervisory, or support capacities. A committee will review the nominations, and winners will be showcased in the EDT display case in Building 549, as well as on the Poster website.
Outreach Activities Planned for Spring and Summer
The EDT will provide several festive outreach activities throughout the spring and summer months.
The team is planning to make available some ethnic food offerings at the Discovery Café, have a display booth at the Spring Research Festival, and provide special children’s activities on Take Your Child to Work Day in the summer.
Celebrate Diversity with a Movie
Each month, in conjunction with the Scientific Library, the EDT will highlight a movie that features either a theme of overall diversity or a theme that coincides with that month’s cultural heritage. The movies are available at the Scientific Library for you to check out and watch on your own time. The EDT will no longer screen movies during lunchtime.
Past movies have included “Amelie,” “The Last of the Mohicans,” “Up,” “Waking Ned Devine,” and “The Pursuit of Happyness.” To see the list of past movies as well as the current month’s featured movie, visit the EDT’s website.
If you have suggestions for movies that celebrate diversity, please e-mail Andrea Frydl at andrea.frydl@nih.gov.
Diversity on Display
The EDT regularly showcases an important segment of the community’s diverse population with a special exhibit in the display case at the entrance of Building 549. Each time a new exhibit is presented, the team challenges members of the NCI at Frederick community to answer questions about the display. Winners, whose names are drawn from all correct entries, receive two free movie tickets to Regal Cinemas.
Watch your e-mail for announcements about new displays and the deadline for entering the drawings.
The current display honors Black History Month (February) and showcases several African American scientists. Visit the EDT website for more information and to see past display cases.
Get Involved
The EDT is always looking for new members. If you are interested in learning more about the team or would like to attend an upcoming meeting, please contact Andrea Frydl (andrea.frydl@nih.gov) for more information.