The NCI TTC’s redesigned website provides an inviting, user-friendly environment.
By Karen Surabian, Contributing Writer
The National Cancer Institute’s Technology Transfer Center (NCI’s TTC) recently launched a redesign of its website. New graphics, color scheme, and updated features provide a user-friendly environment for finding information related to technology transfer at NCI.
You’ll be able to easily navigate the new TTC website for information about invention reporting, transferring materials and information, and collaborating/ partnering with NCI. Begin on the home page to review interesting news and events related to technology transfer at NIH.
You can also “get connected” to TTC by linking to a form for requesting general or specific information, as well as by signing up for e-mail alerts for co-development opportunities.
Tabs Categorize Major Topics
Tabs at the top of the page will help you quickly find major topics from anywhere on the website. Here’s what you’ll find when you click on each of the tabs:
“Standard Forms & Agreements” brings you to frequently used agreements, including Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs), and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) as well as the Employee Invention Report (EIR) form.
“Co-Development & Resources” brings you to descriptions of technologies in development. Outside parties (usually companies) may review these descriptions to determine their level of interest in partnering with an NCI scientist to further develop the technology or in licensing it directly.
“Careers & Training” links you to various training opportunities from different organizations as well as to information about TTC’s Fellowship Program, which comprises the marketing track and the agreement negotiation track.
“Intellectual Property & Inventions” brings you to useful resources regarding patenting and inventions as well as links to information about reporting an invention and keeping laboratory notebooks for patenting purposes.
“About TTC” brings you to a description of the role of TTC and how it supports the technology development activities of NCI and other institutes within NIH.
How You Can Add to the TTC Website
TTC invites you to explore its new website and provide feedback on its features. Here’s how:
- Sign up to receive more information about co-development opportunities.
- Pass along this information to colleagues, both in or outside your laboratory.
- Check out the information on intellectual property and inventions, including the “Guide for Keeping Laboratory Records.”
- Check out some of the training opportunities.
- Check out the news and events on the homepage.
- Contact TTC at 301-846-5465 with your ideas and comments, questions, or interesting news items to be considered for posting on the site.
NCI Technology Transfer Center http://ttc.nci.nih.gov/index.php
Useful links:
“How to Report an Invention” and “Guide for Keeping Laboratory Records”: http://ttc.nci.nih.gov/ip/report.php
Co-Development Opportunities: http://ttc.nci.nih.gov/opportunities/available.php
Information Request Form: http://techtransfer.cancer.gov
If You Are Not Sure, Ask
If you have any questions or are not sure which agreement is appropriate for your research situation, contact the NCI Technology Transfer Center office:
Telephone: 301-845-5465
Website: http://ttc.nci.nih.gov
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