Platinum Publications are selected from articles by NCI at Frederick scientists published in 42 prestigious science journals. This list represents articles published during the time period shown above, as generated from PubMed.
Articles designated as Platinum Highlights are noteworthy articles selected from among the most recently published Platinum Publications. The Scientific Library maintains the NCI at Frederick Scientific Publications database, a collection of citations for journal articles authored by NCI at Frederick employees since 1997.
- Denotes Platinum Highlight article. Click on the image to go to the Platinum Highlight article.

Novotny CJ, Hamilton GL, McCormick F, Shokat KM. Farnesyltransferase-Mediated Delivery of a Covalent Inhibitor Overcomes Alternative Prenylation to Mislocalize K-Ras. ACS Chem Biol 12(7):1956-1962, 2017.

Edwards ZC, Trotter EW, Torres-Ayuso P, Chapman P, Wood HM, Nyswaner K, Brognard J. Survival of Head and Neck Cancer Cells Relies upon LZK Kinase-Mediated Stabilization of Mutant p53. Cancer Res 2017.

Carpenter AC, Wohlfert E, Chopp LB, Vacchio MS, Nie J, Zhao Y, Shetty J, Xiao Q, Deng C, Tran B, Cam M, Gaida MM, Belkaid Y, Bosselut R. Control of Regulatory T Cell Differentiation by the Transcription Factors Thpok and LRF. J Immunol 199(5):1716-1728, 2017.
Strickland N, Muller TL, Berkowitz N, Goliath R, Carrington MN, Wilkinson RJ, Burgers WA, Riou C. Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific Cells Using MHC Class II Tetramers Reveals Phenotypic Differences Related to HIV Infection and Tuberculosis Disease. J Immunol 2017.

Bardhi A, Wu Y, Chen W, Zhu Z, Zheng JH, Wong H, Jeng E, Jones J, Ochsenbauer C, Kappes JC, Dimitrov DS, Ying T, Goldstein H. Potent In Vivo NK Cell-mediated Elimination of HIV-1-Infected Cells Mobilized by a gp120-bispecific and Hexavalent Broadly Neutralizing Fusion Protein. J Virol 2017.
O'Carroll IP, Thappeta Y, Fan L, Ramirez-Valdez EA, Smith S, Wang YX, Rein A. Contributions of individual domains to function of the HIV-1 Rev response element. J Virol 2017.

Prieto DA, Chan KC, Johann DJ, Jr., Ye X, Whitely G, Blonder J. Preparation and Immunoaffinity Depletion of Fresh Frozen Tissue Homogenates for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics in the Context of Drug Target/Biomarker Discovery. Methods Mol Biol 164771-90, 2017.

Covell DG. A data mining approach for identifying pathway-gene biomarkers for predicting clinical outcome: A case study of erlotinib and sorafenib. PLoS One 12(8):e0181991, 2017.
Lucas JL, Tacheny EA, Ferris A, Galusha M, Srivastava AK, Ganguly A, Williams PM, Sachs MC, Thurin M, Tricoli JV, Ricker W, Gildersleeve JC. Development and validation of a Luminex assay for detection of a predictive biomarker for PROSTVAC-VF therapy. PLoS One 12(8):e0182739, 2017.
Muley A, Odaka Y, Lewkowich IP, Vemaraju S, Yamaguchi TP, Shawber C, Dickie BH, Lang RA. Myeloid Wnt ligands are required for normal development of dermal lymphatic vasculature. PLoS One 12(8):e0181549, 2017.
Paredes R, Tzou PL, van Zyl G, Barrow G, Camacho R, Carmona S, Grant PM, Gupta RK, Hamers RL, Harrigan PR, Jordan MR, Kantor R, Katzenstein DA, Kuritzkes DR, Maldarelli F, Otelea D, Wallis CL, Schapiro JM, Shafer RW. Collaborative update of a rule-based expert system for HIV-1 genotypic resistance test interpretation. PLoS One 12(7):e0181357, 2017.
Rozenblum E, Sotelo-Silveira JR, Kim GY, Zhu JY, Lau CC, McNeil N, Korolevich S, Liao H, Cherry JM, Munroe DJ, Ried T, Meltzer PS, Kuehl WM, Roschke AV. Novel near-diploid ovarian cancer cell line derived from a highly aneuploid metastatic ovarian tumor. PLoS One 12(8):e0182610, 2017.
Sechler AJ, Tancos MA, Schneider DJ, King JG, Fennessey CM, Schroeder BK, Murray TD, Luster DG, Schneider WL, Rogers EE. Whole genome sequence of two Rathayibacter toxicus strains reveals a tunicamycin biosynthetic cluster similar to Streptomyces chartreusis. PLoS One 12(8):e0183005, 2017.
Van Dyke AL, Lang Kuhs KA, Shiels MS, Koshiol J, Trabert B, Loftfield E, Purdue MP, Wentzensen N, Pfeiffer RM, Katki HA, Hildesheim A, Kemp TJ, Pinto LA, Chaturvedi AK, Safaeian M. Associations between self-reported diabetes and 78 circulating markers of inflammation, immunity, and metabolism among adults in the United States. PLoS One 12(7):e0182359, 2017.
Yang CK, Wang XK, Liao XW, Han CY, Yu TD, Qin W, Zhu GZ, Su H, Yu L, Liu XG, Lu SC, Chen ZW, Liu Z, Huang KT, Liu ZT, Liang Y, Huang JL, Xiao KY, Peng MH, Winkler CA, O'Brien SJ, Peng T. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) isoform expression and potential clinical implications in hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS One 12(8):e0182208, 2017.

Burdick RC, Delviks-Frankenberry KA, Chen J, Janaka SK, Sastri J, Hu WS, Pathak VK. Dynamics and regulation of nuclear import and nuclear movements of HIV-1 complexes. PLoS Pathog 13(8):e1006570, 2017.

Oh J, Wang Y, Chen S, Li P, Du N, Yu ZX, Butcher D, Gebregiorgis T, Strachan E, Lehmann OJ, Brooks BP, Chan CC, Leonard WJ. Genetic background-dependent role of Egr1 for eyelid development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114(34):E7131-E7139, 2017.

Umunnakwe CN, Dorman KS, Dobbs D, Carpenter S. Identification of a homogenous structural basis for oligomerization by retroviral Rev-like proteins. Retrovirology 14(1):40, 2017.