Platinum Publications are selected from articles by NCI at Frederick scientists published in 42 prestigious science journals. This list represents articles published during the time period shown above, as generated from PubMed.
Articles designated as Platinum Highlights are noteworthy articles selected by Dr. Craig Reynolds, associate director, National Cancer Institute, from among the most recently published Platinum Publications.
The Scientific Library maintains the NCI at Frederick Scientific Publications database, a collection of citations for journal articles authored by NCI at Frederick employees since 1997.
- Denotes Platinum Highlight article. Click on the image to go to the Platinum Highlight article.
Goldin LR, McMaster ML, Rotunno M, Herman SE, Jones K, Zhu B, Boland J, Burdett L, Hicks B, Ravichandran S, Luke BT, Yeager M, Fontaine L, Goldstein AM, Chanock SJ, Tucker MA, Wiestner A, Marti G, Caporaso NE. Whole exome sequencing in families with CLL detects a variant in Integrin Beta 2 associated with disease susceptibility. Blood 2016.
Kuhns DB, Fink DL, Choi U, Sweeney C, Lau K, Long Priel D, Riva D, Mendez L, Uzel G, Freeman AF, Olivier KN, Anderson VL, Currens R, Mackley V, Kang A, Al-Adeli M, Mace E, Orange JS, Kang E, Lockett SJ, Chen, Steinbach PJ, Hsu AP, Zarember KA, Malech HL, Gallin JI, Holland SM. Cytoskeletal abnormalities and neutrophil dysfunction in WDR1 deficiency. Blood 2016.
Woo HJ, Yu C, Kumar K, Gold B, Reifman J. Genotype distribution-based inference of collective effects in genome-wide association studies: insights to age-related macular degeneration disease mechanism. BMC Genomics 17695, 2016.
Boritz EA, Darko S, Swaszek L, Wolf G, Wells D, Wu X, Henry AR, Laboune F, Hu J, Ambrozak D, Hughes MS, Hoh R, Casazza JP, Vostal A, Bunis D, Nganou-Makamdop K, Lee JS, Migueles SA, Koup RA, Connors M, Moir S, Schacker T, Maldarelli F, Hughes SH, Deeks SG, Douek DC. Multiple Origins of Virus Persistence during Natural Control of HIV Infection. Cell 166(4):1004-15, 2016.
Freed EO. Getting IN on Viral RNA Condensation and Virion Maturation. Cell 166(5):1082-3, 2016.
Joyce MG, Wheatley AK, Thomas PV, Chuang GY, Soto C, Bailer RT, Druz A, Georgiev IS, Gillespie RA, Kanekiyo M, Kong WP, Leung K, Narpala SN, Prabhakaran MS, Yang ES, Zhang B, Zhang Y, Asokan M, Boyington JC, Bylund T, Darko S, Lees CR, Ransier A, Shen CH, Wang L, Whittle JR, Wu X, Yassine HM, Santos C, Matsuoka Y, Tsybovsky Y, Baxa U, Mullikin JC, Subbarao K, Douek DC, Graham BS, Koup RA, Ledgerwood JE, Roederer M, Shapiro L, Kwong PD, Mascola JR, McDermott AB. Vaccine-Induced Antibodies that Neutralize Group 1 and Group 2 Influenza A Viruses. Cell 166(3):609-23, 2016.
Hoskins JW, Ibrahim A, Emmanuel MA, Manmiller SM, Wu Y, O'Neill M, Jia J, Collins I, Zhang M, Thomas JV, Rost LM, Das S, Parikh H, Haake JM, Matters GL, Kurtz RC, Bamlet WR, Klein A, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Wolpin BM, Yarden R, Wang Z, Smith J, Olson SH, Andresson T, Petersen GM, Amundadottir LT. Functional characterization of a chr13q22.1 pancreatic cancer risk locus reveals long-range interaction and allele-specific effects on DIS3 expression. Hum Mol Genet 2016.
Wang Y, Hwangpo T, Martin MP, Vince N, Qi Y, Reynolds RJt, Absher D, Gao X, Ballinger CA, Burrows PD, Atkinson TP, Brown EE, Elgavish A, Liu C, Carrington M, Schroeder HW. Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors are associated with common variable immune deficiency pathogenesis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016.
Celik H, Bulut G, Han J, Graham GT, Minas TZ, Conn EJ, Hong SH, Pauly GT, Hayran M, Li X, Ozdemirli M, Ayhan A, Rudek MA, Toretsky JA, Uren A. Ezrin Inhibition Up-regulates Stress Response Gene Expression. J Biol Chem 291(25):13257-13270, 2016.
Erbil S, Oral O, Mitou G, Kig C, Durmaz-Timucin E, Guven-Maiorov E, Gulacti F, Gokce G, Dengjel J, Sezerman OU, Gozuacik D. RACK1 Is an Interaction Partner of ATG5 and a Novel Regulator of Autophagy. J Biol Chem 291(32):16753-16765, 2016.
Li M, Kandror O, Akopian T, Dharkar P, Wlodawer A, Maurizi MR, Goldberg AL. Structure and Functional Properties of the Active Form of the Proteolytic Complex, ClpP1P2, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Biol Chem 291(14):7465-76, 2016.
Cherkassky L, Morello A, Villena-Vargas J, Feng Y, Dimitrov DS, Jones DR, Sadelain M, Adusumilli PS. Human CAR T cells with cell-intrinsic PD-1 checkpoint blockade resist tumor-mediated inhibition. J Clin Invest 126(8):3130-3144, 2016.
Yoon J, Leyva-Castillo JM, Wang G, Galand C, Oyoshi MK, Kumar L, Hoff S, He R, Chervonsky A, Oppenheim JJ, Kuchroo VK, van den Brink MR, Malefyt RW, Tessier PA, Fuhlbrigge R, Rosenstiel P, Terhorst C, Murphy G, Geha RS. IL-23 induced in keratinocytes by endogenous TLR4 ligands polarizes dendritic cells to drive IL-22 responses to skin immunization. J Exp Med 2016.
Ayala VI, Trivett MT, Barsov EV, Jain S, Piatak M, Jr., Trubey CM, Alvord WG, Chertova E, Roser JD, Smedley J, Komin A, Keele BF, Ohlen C, Ott DE. Adoptive Transfer of Engineered Rhesus SIV-Specific CD8+ T Cells Reduces the Number of Transmitted/Founder Viruses Established in Rhesus Macaques. J Virol 2016.
Keating SM, Heitman JW, Wu S, Deng X, Stacey AR, Zahn RC, de la Rosa M, Finstad SL, Lifson JD, Piatak M, Jr., Gauduin MC, Kessler BM, Ternette N, Carville A, Johnson RP, Desrosiers RC, Letvin NL, Borrow P, Norris PJ, Schmitz JE. Magnitude and quality of cytokine and chemokine storm during acute infection distinguish non-progressive and progressive simian immunodeficiency virus infections of nonhuman primates. J Virol 2016.
Mallick S, Li H, Lipson M, Mathieson I, Gymrek M, Racimo F, Zhao M, Chennagiri N, Nordenfelt S, Tandon A, Skoglund P, Lazaridis I, Sankararaman S, Fu Q, Rohland N, Renaud G, Erlich Y, Willems T, Gallo C, Spence JP, Song YS, Poletti G, Balloux F, van Driem G, de Knijff P, Romero IG, Jha AR, Behar DM, Bravi CM, Capelli C, Hervig T, Moreno-Estrada A, Posukh OL, Balanovska E, Balanovsky O, Karachanak-Yankova S, Sahakyan H, Toncheva D, Yepiskoposyan L, Tyler-Smith C, Xue Y, Abdullah MS, Ruiz-Linares A, Beall CM, Di Rienzo A, Jeong C, Starikovskaya EB, Metspalu E, Parik J, Villems R, Henn BM, Hodoglugil U, Mahley R, Sajantila A, Stamatoyannopoulos G, Wee JT, Khusainova R, Khusnutdinova E, Litvinov S, Ayodo G, Comas D, Hammer MF, Kivisild T, Klitz W, Winkler CA, Labuda D, Bamshad M, Jorde LB, Tishkoff SA, Watkins WS, Metspalu M, Dryomov S, Sukernik R, Singh L, Thangaraj K, Paabo S, Kelso J, Patterson N, Reich D. The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations. Nature 2016.
Garcia-Beltran WF, Holzemer A, Martrus G, Chung AW, Pacheco Y, Simoneau CR, Rucevic M, Lamothe-Molina PA, Pertel T, Kim TE, Dugan H, Alter G, Dechanet-Merville J, Jost S, Carrington M, Altfeld M. Open conformers of HLA-F are high-affinity ligands of the activating NK-cell receptor KIR3DS1. Nat Immunol 17(9):1067-74, 2016.
Leong YA, Chen Y, Ong HS, Wu D, Man K, Deleage C, Minnich M, Meckiff BJ, Wei Y, Hou Z, Zotos D, Fenix KA, Atnerkar A, Preston S, Chipman JG, Beilman GJ, Allison CC, Sun L, Wang P, Xu J, Toe JG, Lu HK, Tao Y, Palendira U, Dent AL, Landay AL, Pellegrini M, Comerford I, McColl SR, Schacker TW, Long HM, Estes JD, Busslinger M, Belz GT, Lewin SR, Kallies A, Yu D. CXCR5+ follicular cytotoxic T cells control viral infection in B cell follicles. Nat Immunol 2016.
Dai L, Chen K, Youngren B, Kulina J, Yang A, Guo Z, Li J, Yu P, Gu S. Cytoplasmic Drosha activity generated by alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Res 2016.
Ganji M, Docter M, Le Grice SF, Abbondanzieri EA. DNA binding proteins explore multiple local configurations during docking via rapid rebinding. Nucleic Acids Res 2016.
Lambrughi M, De Gioia L, Gervasio FL, Lindorff-Larsen K, Nussinov R, Urani C, Bruschi M, Papaleo E. DNA-binding protects p53 from interactions with cofactors involved in transcription-independent functions. Nucleic Acids Res 2016.
Rao T, Gao R, Takada S, Al Abo M, Chen X, Walters KJ, Pommier Y, Aihara H. Novel TDP2-ubiquitin interactions and their importance for the repair of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA damage. Nucleic Acids Res 2016.
Sztuba-Solinska J, Diaz L, Kumar MR, Kolb G, Wiley MR, Jozwick L, Kuhn JH, Palacios G, Radoshitzky SR, SF JLG, Johnson RF. A small stem-loop structure of the Ebola virus trailer is essential for replication and interacts with heat-shock protein A8. Nucleic Acids Res 2016.
Karchin R, Nussinov R. Genome Landscapes of Disease: Strategies to Predict the Phenotypic Consequences of Human Germline and Somatic Variation. PLoS Comput Biol 12(8):e1005043, 2016.
Hartford SA, Chittela R, Ding X, Vyas A, Martin B, Burkett S, Haines DC, Southon E, Tessarollo L, Sharan SK. Interaction with PALB2 Is Essential for Maintenance of Genomic Integrity by BRCA2. PLoS Genetics 12(8):e1006236, 2016.
Aravantinou M, Frank I, Hallor M, Singer R, Tharinger H, Kenney J, Gettie A, Grasperge B, Blanchard J, Salazar A, Piatak M, Jr., Lifson JD, Robbiani M, Derby N. PolyICLC Exerts Pro- and Anti-HIV Effects on the DC-T Cell Milieu In Vitro and In Vivo. PLoS One 11(9):e0161730, 2016.
Boyington JC, Joyce MG, Sastry M, Stewart-Jones GB, Chen M, Kong WP, Ngwuta JO, Thomas PV, Tsybovsky Y, Yang Y, Zhang B, Chen L, Druz A, Georgiev IS, Ko K, Zhou T, Mascola JR, Graham BS, Kwong PD. Structure-Based Design of Head-Only Fusion Glycoprotein Immunogens for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. PLoS One 11(7):e0159709, 2016.
Montezuma-Rusca JM, Powers JH, Follmann D, Wang J, Sullivan B, Williamson PR. Early Fungicidal Activity as a Candidate Surrogate Endpoint for All-Cause Mortality in Cryptococcal Meningitis: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. PLoS One 11(8):e0159727, 2016.
Shenai S, Ronacher K, Malherbe S, Stanley K, Kriel M, Winter J, Peppard T, Barry CE, Wang J, Dodd LE, Via LE, Barry CE, 3rd, Walzl G, Alland D. Bacterial Loads Measured by the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay as Markers of Culture Conversion and Bacteriological Cure in Pulmonary TB. PLoS One 11(8):e0160062, 2016.
Vafai SB, Mevers E, Higgins KW, Fomina Y, Zhang J, Mandinova A, Newman D, Shaw SY, Clardy J, Mootha VK. Natural Product Screening Reveals Naphthoquinone Complex I Bypass Factors. PLoS One 11(9):e0162686, 2016.
Liu Y, Betts MJ, Lei J, Wei G, Bao Q, Kehl T, Russell RB, Lochelt M. Mutagenesis of N-terminal residues of feline foamy virus Gag reveals entirely distinct functions during capsid formation, particle assembly, Gag processing and budding. Retrovirology 13(1):57, 2016.
Liu J, Ghneim K, Sok D, Bosche WJ, Li Y, Chipriano E, Berkemeier B, Oswald K, Borducchi E, Cabral C, Peter L, Brinkman A, Shetty M, Jimenez J, Mondesir J, Lee B, Giglio P, Chandrashekar A, Abbink P, Colantonio A, Gittens C, Baker C, Wagner W, Lewis MG, Li W, Sekaly RP, Lifson JD, Burton DR, Barouch DH. Antibody-mediated protection against SHIV challenge includes systemic clearance of distal virus. Science 2016.