Platinum Publications are selected from articles by NCI at Frederick scientists published in 21 prestigious science journals. This list represents new publications generated from PubMed as of the date shown above.
Articles designated as Platinum Highlights are noteworthy articles selected by Dr. Craig Reynolds, associate director, National Cancer Institute, from among the most recently published Platinum Publications.
The Scientific Library maintains the NCI-Frederick-in-Print database, a collection of citations for journal articles authored by NCI at Frederick employees since 1997.
denotes Platinum Highlight article. Click on the image to go to the Platinum Highlight article.
Kim W, Klarmann KD, Keller JR. Gfi-1 regulates the erythroid transcription factor network through Id2 repression in murine hematopoietic progenitor cells. Blood 2014. [Epub ahead of print. This article is not yet available in the print journal.]
Mirabello L, Macari ER, Jessop L, Ellis SR, Myers T, Giri N, Taylor AM, McGrath KE, Humphries JM, Ballew BJ, Yeager M, Boland JF, He J, Hicks BD, Burdett L, Alter BP, Zon L, Savage SA. Whole-exome sequencing and functional studies identify RPS29 as a novel gene mutated in multicase Diamond-Blackfan anemia families. Blood 124(1):24–32, 2014.
Cancer Research
Gopinathan L, Tan SLW, Padmakumar VC, Coppola V, Tessarollo L, Kaldis P. Loss of Cdk2 and cyclin A2 impairs cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Cancer Res 74(14):3870–3879, 2014.
Viaud S, Daillere R, Boneca IG, Lepage P, Pittet MJ, Ghiringhelli F, Trinchieri G, Goldszmid R, Zitvogel L. Harnessing the intestinal microbiome for optimal therapeutic immunomodulation. Cancer Res 74(16):4217-4221, 2014.
Wang B, Wang Q, Wang Z, Jiang J, Yu SC, Ping YF, Yang J, Xu SL, Ye XZ, Xu C, Yang L, Qian C, Wang JM, Cui YH, Zhang X, Bian XW. Metastatic consequences of immune escape from NK cell cytotoxicity by human breast cancer stem cells. Cancer Res 2014. [Epub ahead of print. This article is not yet available in the print journal.]
Wei F, Yang D, Tewary P, Li Y, Li S, Chen X, Howard OM, Bustin M, Oppenheim JJD. The alarmin HMGN1 contributes to anti-tumor immunity and is a potent immunoadjuvant. Cancer Res 2014. [Epub ahead of print. This article is not yet available in the print journal.]
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Chang FMJ, Coyne HJ, Cubillas C, Vinuesa P, Fang XY, Ma Z, Ma DJ, Helmann JD, Garcia-de los Santos A, Wang YX, Dann CE, Giedroc DP. Cu(I)-mediated allosteric switching in a copper-sensing operon repressor (CsoR). J Biol Chem 289(27):19204–19217, 2014.
Chen KQ, Xiang Y, Huang JQ, Gong WH, Yoshimura T, Jiang Q, Tessarollo L, Le YY, Wang JM. The formylpeptide receptor 2 (Fpr2) and its endogenous ligand cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP) promote dendritic cell maturation. J Biol Chem 289(25):17553–17563, 2014.
Cho HJ, Hwang YS, Mood K, Ji YJ, Lim J, Morrison DK, Daar IO. EphrinB1 interacts with CNK1 and promotes cell migration through c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. J Biol Chem 289(26):18556–18568, 2014.
Journal of Cell Biology
Adhikari D, Diril MK, Busayavalasa K, Risal S, Nakagawa S, Lindkvist R, Shen Y, Coppola V, Tessarollo L, Kudo NR, Kaldis P, Liu K. Mastl is required for timely activation of APC/C in meiosis I and Cdk1 reactivation in meiosis II. Journal of Cell Biology 206(7):843–853, 2014.
Kong D, Farmer V, Shukla A, James J, Gruskin R, Kiriyama S, Loncarek J. Centriole maturation requires regulated Plk1 activity during two consecutive cell cycles. Journal of Cell Biology 206(7):855–865, 2014.
Kunduri G, Yuan C, Parthibane V, Nyswaner KM, Kanwar R, Nagashima K, Britt SG, Mehta N, Kotu V, Porterfield M, Tiemeyer M, Dolph PJ, Acharya U, Acharya JK. Phosphatidic acid phospholipase A1 mediates ER–Golgi transit of a family of G protein–coupled receptors. J Cell Biol 206(1):79–95, 2014.
Rahman M, Nirala NK, Singh A, Zhu LJ, Taguchi K, Bamba T, Fukusaki E, Shaw LM, Lambright DG, Acharya JK, Acharya UR. Drosophila Sirt2/mammalian SIRT3 deacetylates ATP synthase beta and regulates complex V activity. J Cell Biol 206(2):289–305, 2014.
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Park KS, Raffeld M, Moon YW, Xi LQ, Bianco C, Pham T, Lee LC, Mitsudomi T, Yatabe Y, Okamoto I, Subramaniam D, Mok T, Rosell R, Luo J, Salomon DS, Wang YS, Giaccone G. CRIPTO1 expression in EGFR-mutant NSCLC elicits intrinsic EGFR-inhibitor resistance. J Clin Invest 124(7):3003–3015, 2014.
Sui YJ, Hogg A, Wang YC, Frey B, Yu HF, Xia Z, Venzon D, McKinnon K, Smedley J, Gathuka M, Klinman D, Keele BF, Langermann S, Liu LD, Franchini G, Berzofsky JA. Vaccine-induced myeloid cell population dampens protective immunity to SIV. J Clin Invest 124(6):2538–2549, 2014.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Cichocki F, Schlums H, Li HC, Stache V, Holmes T, Lenvik TR, Chiang SCC, Miller JS, Meeths M, Anderson SK, Bryceson YT. Transcriptional regulation of Munc13-4 expression in cytotoxic lymphocytes is disrupted by an intronic mutation associated with a primary immunodeficiency. J Exp Med 211(6):1079–1091, 2014.
Polato F, Callen E, Wong N, Faryabi R, Bunting S, Chen HT, Kozak M, Kruhlak MJ, Reczek CR, Lee WH, Ludwig T, Baer R, Feigenbaum L, Jackson S, Nussenzweig A. CtIP-mediated resection is essential for viability and can operate independently of BRCA1. J Exp Med 211(6):1027–1036, 2014.
Journal of Immunology
Crites TJ, Padhan K, Muller J, Krogsgaard M, Gudla PR, Lockett SJ, Varma R. TCR Microclusters Pre-Exist and Contain Molecules Necessary for TCR Signal Transduction. J Immunol 193(1):56–67, 2014.
Hiby SE, Apps R, Chazara O, Farrell LE, Magnus P, Trogstad L, Gjessing HK, Carrington M, Moffett A. Maternal KIR in combination with paternal HLA-C2 regulate human birth weight. J Immunol 192(11):5069–5073, 2014.
Li Q, Zeng M, Duan L, Voss JE, Smith AJ, Pambuccian S, Shang L, Wietgrefe S, Southern PJ, Reilly CS, Skinner PJ, Zupancic ML, Carlis JV, Piatak M, Jr., Waterman D, Reeves RK, Masek-Hammerman K, Derdeyn CA, Alpert MD, Evans DT, Kohler H, Muller S, Robinson J, Lifson JD, Burton DR, Johnson RP, Haase AT. Live simian immunodeficiency virus vaccine correlate of protection: local antibody production and concentration on the path of virus entry. J Immunol 2014. [Epub ahead of print. This article is not yet available in the print journal.]
Rizvi SM, Salam N, Geng J, Qi Y, Bream JH, Duggal P, Hussain SK, Martinson J, Wolinsky SM, Carrington M, Raghavan M. Distinct assembly profiles of HLA-B molecules. J Immunol 192(11):4967–4976, 2014.
Weiss JM, Subleski JJ, Back T, Chen X, Watkins SK, Yagita H, Sayers TJ, Murphy WJ, Wiltrout RH. Regulatory T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the tumor microenvironment undergo Fas-dependent cell death during IL-2/alphaCD40 therapy. J Immunol 192(12):5821–5829, 2014.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Montgomery DC, Sorum AW, Meier JL. Chemoproteomic profiling of lysine acetyltransferases highlights an expanded landscape of catalytic acetylation. J Am Chem Soc 136(24):8669–8676, 2014.
Sztuba-Solinska J, Shenoy SR, Gareiss P, Krumpe LRH, Le Grice SFJ, O'Keefe BR, Schneekloth JS. Identification of biologically active, HIV TAR RNA-binding small molecules using small molecule microarrays. J Am Chem Soc 136(23):8402–8410, 2014.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Cao Y, Lindstrom S, Schumacher F, Stevens VL, Albanes D, Berndt S, Boeing H, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Canzian F, Chamosa S, Chanock SJ, Diver WR, Gapstur SM, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci EL, Haiman CA, Henderson B, Johansson M, Le Marchand L, Palli D, Rosner B, Siddiq A, Stampfer M, Stram DO, Tamimi R, Travis RC, Trichopoulos D, Willett WC, Yeager M, Kraft P, Hsing AW, Pollak M, Lin X, Ma J. Insulin-like growth factor pathway genetic polymorphisms, circulating IGF1 and IGFBP3, and prostate cancer survival. J Natl Cancer Inst 106(6):dju085, 2014.
Belew AT, Meskauskas A, Musalgaonkar S, Advani VM, Sulima SO, Kasprzak WK, Shapiro BA, Dinman JD. Ribosomal frameshifting in the CCR5 mRNA is regulated by miRNAs and the NMD pathway. Nature 512(7514):265–269, 2014.
Huang BL, Mackem S. Evolutionary developmental biology: use it or lose it. Nature 511(7507):34–35, 2014.
Sandler NG, Bosinger SE, Estes JD, Zhu RT, Tharp GK, Boritz E, Levin D, Wijeyesinghe S, Makamdop KN, del Prete GQ, Hill BJ, Timmer JK, Reiss E, Yarden G, Darko S, Contijoch E, Todd JP, Silvestri G, Nason M, Norgren RB, Jr., Keele BF, Rao S, Langer JA, Lifson JD, Schreiber G, Douek DC. Type I interferon responses in rhesus macaques prevent SIV infection and slow disease progression. Nature 511(7511):601–605, 2014.
Nature Genetics
Al Olama AA, Kote-Jarai Z, Berndt SI, Conti DV, Schumacher F, Han Y, Benlloch S, Hazelett DJ, Wang Z, Saunders E, Leongamornlert D, Lindstrom S, Jugurnauth-Little S, Dadaev T, Tymrakiewicz M, Stram DO, Rand K, Wan P, Stram A, Sheng X, Pooler LC, Park K, Xia L, Tyrer J, Kolonel LN, Le Marchand L, Hoover RN, Machiela MJ, Yeager M, Burdette L, Chung CC, Hutchinson A, Yu K, Goh C, Ahmed M, Govindasami K, Guy M, Tammela TL, Auvinen A, Wahlfors T, Schleutker J, Visakorpi T, Leinonen KA, Xu J, Aly M, Donovan J, Travis RC, Key TJ, Siddiq A, Canzian F, Khaw KT, Takahashi A, Kubo M, Pharoah P, Pashayan N, Weischer M, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Klarskov P, Roder MA, Iversen P, Thibodeau SN, McDonnell SK, Schaid DJ, Stanford JL, Kolb S, Holt S, Knudsen B, Coll AH, Gapstur SM, Diver WR, Stevens VL, Maier C, Luedeke M, Herkommer K, Rinckleb AE, Strom SS, Pettaway C, Yeboah ED, Tettey Y, Biritwum RB, Adjei AA, Tay E, Truelove A, Niwa S, Chokkalingam AP, Cannon-Albright L, Cybulski C, Wokolorczyk D, Kluzniak W, Park J, Sellers T, Lin HY, Isaacs WB, Partin AW, Brenner H, Dieffenbach AK, Stegmaier C, Chen C, Giovannucci EL, Ma J, Stampfer M, Penney KL, Mucci L, John EM, Ingles SA, Kittles RA, Murphy AB, Pandha H, Michael A, Kierzek AM, Blot W, Signorello LB, Zheng W, Albanes D, Virtamo J, Weinstein S, Nemesure B, Carpten J, Leske C, Wu SY, Hennis A, Kibel AS, Rybicki BA, Neslund-Dudas C, Hsing AW, Chu L, Goodman PJ, Klein EA, Zheng SL, Batra J, Clements J, Spurdle A, Teixeira MR, Paulo P, Maia S, Slavov C, Kaneva R, Mitev V, Witte JS, Casey G, Gillanders EM, Seminara D, Riboli E, Hamdy FC, Coetzee GA, Li Q, Freedman ML, Hunter DJ, Muir K, Gronberg H, Neal DE, Southey M, Giles GG, Severi G, Cook MB, Nakagawa H, Wiklund F, Kraft P, Chanock SJ, Henderson BE, Easton DF, Eeles RA, Haiman CA. A meta-analysis of 87,040 individuals identifies 23 new susceptibility loci for prostate cancer. Nat Genet 2014. [Epub ahead of print. This article is not yet available in the print journal.]
Wolpin BM, Rizzato C, Kraft P, Kooperberg C, Petersen GM, Wang Z, Arslan AA, Beane-Freeman L, Bracci PM, Buring J, Canzian F, Duell EJ, Gallinger S, Giles GG, Goodman GE, Goodman PJ, Jacobs EJ, Kamineni A, Klein AP, Kolonel LN, Kulke MH, Li D, Malats N, Olson SH, Risch HA, Sesso HD, Visvanathan K, White E, Zheng W, Abnet CC, Albanes D, Andreotti G, Austin MA, Barfield R, Basso D, Berndt SI, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brotzman M, Buchler MW, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Bugert P, Burdette L, Campa D, Caporaso NE, Capurso G, Chung C, Cotterchio M, Costello E, Elena J, Funel N, Gaziano JM, Giese NA, Giovannucci EL, Goggins M, Gorman MJ, Gross M, Haiman CA, Hassan M, Helzlsouer KJ, Henderson BE, Holly EA, Hu N, Hunter DJ, Innocenti F, Jenab M, Kaaks R, Key TJ, Khaw KT, Klein EA, Kogevinas M, Krogh V, Kupcinskas J, Kurtz RC, LaCroix A, Landi MT, Landi S, Le Marchand L, Mambrini A, Mannisto S, Milne RL, Nakamura Y, Oberg AL, Owzar K, Patel AV, Peeters PH, Peters U, Pezzilli R, Piepoli A, Porta M, Real FX, Riboli E, Rothman N, Scarpa A, Shu XO, Silverman DT, Soucek P, Sund M, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Taylor PR, Theodoropoulos GE, Thornquist M, Tjonneland A, Tobias GS, Trichopoulos D, Vodicka P, Wactawski-Wende J, Wentzensen N, Wu C, Yu H, Yu K, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Hoover R, Hartge P, Fuchs C, Chanock SJ, Stolzenberg-Solomon RS, Amundadottir LT. Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Nat Genet 46(9):994–1000, 2014.
Wu C, Wang Z, Song X, Feng XS, Abnet CC, He J, Hu N, Zuo XB, Tan W, Zhan Q, Hu Z, He Z, Jia W, Zhou Y, Yu K, Shu XO, Yuan JM, Zheng W, Zhao XK, Gao SG, Yuan ZQ, Zhou FY, Fan ZM, Cui JL, Lin HL, Han XN, Li B, Chen X, Dawsey SM, Liao L, Lee MP, Ding T, Qiao YL, Liu Z, Liu Y, Yu D, Chang J, Wei L, Gao YT, Koh WP, Xiang YB, Tang ZZ, Fan JH, Han JJ, Zhou SL, Zhang P, Zhang DY, Yuan Y, Huang Y, Liu C, Zhai K, Qiao Y, Jin G, Guo C, Fu J, Miao X, Lu C, Yang H, Wang C, Wheeler WA, Gail M, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Guo ET, Li AL, Zhang W, Li XM, Sun LD, Ma BG, Li Y, Tang S, Peng XQ, Liu J, Hutchinson A, Jacobs K, Giffen C, Burdette L, Fraumeni JF, Jr., Shen H, Ke Y, Zeng Y, Wu T, Kraft P, Chung CC, Tucker MA, Hou ZC, Liu YL, Hu YL, Liu Y, Wang L, Yuan G, Chen LS, Liu X, Ma T, Meng H, Sun L, Li XM, Li XM, Ku JW, Zhou YF, Yang LQ, Wang Z, Li Y, Qige Q, Yang WJ, Lei GY, Chen LQ, Li EM, Yuan L, Yue WB, Wang R, Wang LW, Fan XP, Zhu FH, Zhao WX, Mao YM, Zhang M, Xing GL, Li JL, Han M, Ren JL, Liu B, Ren SW, Kong QP, Li F, Sheyhidin I, Wei W, Zhang YR, Feng CW, Wang J, Yang YH, Hao HZ, Bao QD, Liu BC, Wu AQ, Xie D, Yang WC, Wang L, Zhao XH, Chen SQ, Hong JY, Zhang XJ, Freedman ND, Goldstein AM, Lin D, Taylor PR, Wang LD, Chanock SJ. Joint analysis of three genome-wide association studies of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese populations. Nat Genet 46(9):1001–1006, 2014.
Nature Immunology
Luckey MA, Kimura MY, Waldman AT, Feigenbaum L, Singer A, Park JH. The transcription factor ThPOK suppresses Runx3 and imposes CD4+ lineage fate by inducing the SOCS suppressors of cytokine signaling. Nat Immunol 15(7):638–645, 2014.
Ciarapica R, De Salvo M, Carcarino E, Bracaglia G, Adesso L, Leoncini PP, Dall'Agnese A, Walters ZS, Verginelli F, De Sio L, Boldrini R, Inserra A, Bisogno G, Rosolen A, Alaggio R, Ferrari A, Collini P, Locatelli M, Stifani S, Screpanti I, Rutella S, Yu Q, Marquez VE, Shipley J, Valente S, Mai A, Miele L, Puri PL, Locatelli F, Palacios D, Rota R. The Polycomb group (PcG) protein EZH2 supports the survival of PAX3-FOXO1 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma by repressing FBXO32 (Atrogin1/MAFbx). Oncogene 33(32):4173–4184, 2014.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Li MH, Ablan SD, Miao CH, Zheng YM, Fuller MS, Rennert PD, Maury W, Johnson MC, Freed EO, Liu SL. TIM-family proteins inhibit HIV-1 release. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(35):E3699–E3707, 2014.
Luo N, Conwell MD, Chen XJ, Kettenhofen CI, Westlake CJ, Cantor LB, Wells CD, Weinreb RN, Corson TW, Spandau DF, Joos KM, Iomini C, Obukhov AG, Sun Y. Primary cilia signaling mediates intraocular pressure sensation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(35):12871–12876, 2014.
Shen W, Li WQ, Hixon JA, Bouladoux N, Belkaid Y, Dzutzev A, Durum SK. Adaptive immunity to murine skin commensals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(29):E2977–E2986, 2014.
Vitiello CL, Kireeva ML, Lubkowska L, Kashlev M, Gottesman M. Coliphage HK022 Nun protein inhibits RNA polymerase translocation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(23):E2368–E2375, 2014.
Kuehn HS, Ouyang W, Lo B, Deenick EK, Niemela JE, Avery DT, Schickel JN, Tran DQ, Stoddard J, Zhang Y, Frucht DM, Dumitriu B, Scheinberg P, Folio LR, Frein CA, Price S, Koh C, Heller T, Seroogy CM, Huttenlocher A, Rao VK, Su HC, Kleiner D, Notarangelo LD, Rampertaap Y, Olivier KN, McElwee J, Hughes J, Pittaluga S, Oliveira JB, Meffre E, Fleisher TA, Holland SM, Lenardo MJ, Tangye SG, Uzel G. Immune dysregulation in human subjects with heterozygous germline mutations in CTLA4. Science 345(6204):1623–1627, 2014.
Maldarelli F, Wu X, Su L, Simonetti FR, Shao W, Hill S, Spindler J, Ferris AL, Mellors JW, Kearney MF, Coffin JM, Hughes SH. HIV latency. Specific HIV integration sites are linked to clonal expansion and persistence of infected cells. Science 345(6193):179–183, 2014.