
Download the Agenda Here.

Thursday, April 3, 2025

09:30 am EST
Welcome Remarks

Session I
Chair: Ashish Lal, Ph.D., NCI, CCR 

09:45 am EST
U2AF regulates the translation and localization of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNA
10:15 am EST
Real-time assembly of nascent RNA-protein complexes
10:45 am EST
Systematic Decoding of the Functional and Regulatory Complexity of Alternative Splicing in Health and Disease
11:15 am EST

Session II
Chair:  Markus Hafner, Ph.D., NIAMS, NIH

11:30 am EST
Timing is Everything: Kinetic Studies of RNA Decay

Robert Hogg, Ph.D., NHLBI, NIH

12:00 pm EST
Intracellular Pathogen Effector Reprograms Host Gene Expression By Inhibiting mRNA Decay
12:30 pm EST
Regulation of HIV-1 unspliced RNA functions: It’s G-rated
01:00 pm EST

Session III
Chair:  Shalini Oberdoerffer, Ph.D., CCR, NCI

02:30 pm EST
Long-read sequencing to uncover RNA regulation in cellular stress and aging
03:00 pm EST
Quality control of the ribosome

Colin Wu, Ph.D., CCR, NCI

03:30 pm EST
03:45 pm EST
A lncRNA drives developmentally timed decay of an essential microRNA family
04:15 pm EST
RNA-Guided Genome Protection
04:45 pm EST