Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Instructions


  • The title should be brief, but long enough to identify clearly the nature of the study.


  • Indicate the name and affiliation of each author, but omit author degrees and titles.

Abstract Body

The body of the abstract should include the following sections:

  • Background: summarize the purpose, scope and objectives of the study or research.
  • Methods: describe the methods used to measure your study/research.
  • Results: A summary of the results obtained.
  • Conclusion: A statement of conclusions reached in your study or research. Do not simply state "The results will be discussed."

Abstract Size

  • Limit the abstract to 300 words  


  • Use abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.

Contact Information

Submitting this form will NOT register you for the conference, you must use the Registration page to submit your information to secure your place as an attendee.

Abstract Information

One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, mov, mp4, pdf.
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