Slurm Partitions & Features

The slurm scheduler uses partitions as the method to allocate resources to jobs.The FRCE cluster has several partitions defined, with the major ones summarized below.

Partition NameWall Time LimitMax Cores Per UserOther Limits
short30 minutes170 
norm5 days575 
gpuunlimited35024 P100 GPUs
48 V100 GPUs
4 A100 GPUs
nci-dragenunlimited641 Dragen FPGA

Two other partitions will be displayed in the sinfo output. The dragen partition has several servers for the exclusive use by the CCR Sequencing Facility while csbdevel provides a priority channel for a set of programmers who make frequent changes to their code.

Job scripts can also request that the job be run on a server with particular hardware attributes by specifying features. Currently defined features include:

Feature NameDescription
cpu???? represents the number of physical CPU cores
core???? represents the number of virtual CPU cores
g?????? represents the number of GB of memory available
x???????? is the model number of the Intel CPU installed
gpu???????? is the model number of the Nvidia GPU installed

Detail features of the partitions can be found in the attachment.


A submit script that requests a particular partition and feature would read

#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --partition=short
#SBATCH --constraint=x6150
echo "We are now on a Intel Gold 6150 CPU in the quick queue"
echo "Eight CPU cores are allocated with a time limit of 1 hour"

Please note the first line, "#! /bin/bash" in job script is important. Otherwise, SLURM will complain.

To use GPU in the cluster, you need to request the device by "--gres=gpu:1" in addition to send your job to the right partition by "--partition=gpu".