Nadya Tarasova, Ph.D., holds a printed version of the Summer 2013 issue of the Poster next to a statue of Nottingham’s most famous folk hero, Robin Hood.
By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer
Last September, Nadya Tarasova, Ph.D., head, Synthetic Biologics and Drug Discovery Facility, Cancer and Inflammation Program, traveled to Nottingham, England, where she was an invited speaker and chaired a session on JAK/STAT signaling in cancer at the second special meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS). While there, her colleague, Sergey Tarasov, Ph.D., staff scientist and facility manager, Structural Biophysics Laboratory, snapped her photo at Nottingham Castle, next to a statue of Nottingham’s most famous folk hero, Robin Hood. Tarasova is holding a printed version of the Summer 2013 issue of the Poster.
Editor’s note: Because the Poster is no longer being produced in hard copy, we invite you to bring it with you on your mobile device. Hold up your screen showing the home page of the Poster, have someone snap your photo, and send it to poster@mail.nih.gov.