Roxanne Angel discusses R&W Club Frederick plans for 2013 at the kickoff meeting.
By Carolynne Keenan, Guest Writer
What do discounted Frederick Keys tickets, a wine tour of Frederick area vineyards, a Segway tour of Washington, DC, a summertime National Parks tour, and a special children’s Easter party have in common? All are activities that the Recreation & Welfare (R&W) Club Frederick is currently developing for spring 2013.
At the first members meeting in January, Roxanne Angell, R&W Club Frederick chair, unveiled plans under development to make 2013 a successful year.
In addition to scoring discounts at area businesses and being able to cash in on discounted tickets to events at The Weinberg Center and the Frederick Keys baseball games, R&W Club Frederick members can participate in all the fun events throughout the year.
Membership is $9 for the calendar year. Members can take advantage of the special R&W Club Frederick activities and anything offered by the parent organization, the Bethesda-based R&W.
What’s Ahead in 2013
Successful fundraisers such as Fudgie Wudgie, Pizza Hut, and Glory Days, Jewelry Is Fun, and Books Are Fun, in which R&W Club Frederick received a portion of the proceeds, are likely to be repeated in 2013.
Any government employee, retiree, or contractor can join R&W Club Frederick. The group is open to all Fort Detrick employees as well, except active military members. Membership runs from January to December, so join early to take advantage of the discounts, events, and activities available to members.
For more information, visit the club’s website at http://ncifrederick.cancer.gov/Staff/RecreationWelfare/Default.aspx or e-mail RWClubFrederick@nih.gov.
Carolynne Keenan is a public affairs specialist, NCI Office of Scientific Operations.