The Sioux Indian tribe and others are represented in the EDT display case for November. (Photo credit: Library of Congress.)
By Andrea Frydl, Contributing Writer
Fall Activities
The Employee Diversity Team (EDT) is out and about this fall, making the NCI at Frederick community aware of various cultural traditions and events around Frederick County that employees can participate in. The team is working with staff members of Native American descent to feature a display case and movie selection celebrating Native American Heritage Month in November. The team will keep you informed about Frederick events taking place in November and December. Keep a look out for EDT e-mails.
Display Cases
November is Native American Heritage Month, and to celebrate, the EDT is featuring artifacts from various Native American tribes in the EDT display case located in the Building 549 lobby. Other heritages that were highlighted throughout the year included the Women of NCI at Frederick; Caribbean Display – Dreamin’ of the Islands; and Indian Independence – Celebrate India.
The EDT’s display case provides an opportunity to showcase the diverse cultures represented by NCI at Frederick staff. The display case also provides an opportunity to win two free movie tickets to Regal Cinemas. The latest ticket winners are Jeanne Warfield (Leidos Biomed) and Robert Koogle (NCI). To enter for a chance to win, visit the EDT display case each time it is updated, answer the questions, and place your answers in the box located next to the display case. The questions are distributed via the List-Events listserv.
New Members and Fresh Ideas
The EDT is always looking for new ideas and perspectives. If you would like the team to feature a specific culture or cultural event, please contact any EDT member. The team meets on the first Thursday of every month, and is always looking for new members.
Each month the EDT features a movie for staff to watch during lunchtime in Building 549. These movies celebrate a variety of cultures.
If you can’t make it in person, the movies are available to rent through the Scientific Library. Currently, there are more than 100 titles to choose from. Find out more by visiting the Scientific Library website: http://www-library.ncifcrf.gov/.
Current EDT members are: Andrea Frydl (chair), Laura Geil (past chair), Ethel Armstrong, Peter Boving, Molly Buehn, and Myla Spencer (Advanced Technology Research Facility representative).