The Halloween 5k is one of the club’s many fundraising events that also give employees a chance to have fun.
You probably receive a plethora of ads in your inbox that you delete before giving them a second thought. But if you take a closer look at some of them, you’ll discover that you’re passing up cookies, donuts, yoga, and fun Christmas and other events, among many other opportunities.
That’s right—the Recreation and Welfare (R&W) Club, a group dedicated to the health and well-being of NCI at Frederick staff as well as the local community, hosts a variety of entertaining events. It’s a nonprofit, volunteer-run organization that allows people of all ages (including kids) to enjoy themselves among friends, colleagues, and families at activities such as cookie decorating, the Krispy Kreme donuts fundraiser, weekly yoga classes, the annual Holiday Decorating Contest, and the Halloween 5k.
The club is seeking new members so that it can host its events more frequently. The cost to join is just $9 a year, and the club is always accepting new members.
Becoming a member is more than meets the eye, as employees can make a difference with the R&W Club. The club donates to the three NIH charities—The Children’s Inn at NIH, Special Love, and Friends of Patients at the NIH—by hosting events that raise money for those in need. With the help of new members, the club hopes to be able to donate more funds and increase its fundraising capabilities in the future.
“The charities are really valuable things that they offer to people. I like being a part of something that’s giving back,” said the club’s treasurer, Carrie Belasco.
Employees can enjoy the club’s activities without the stress of major time commitments—only an hour a month, says Belasco—and the club doesn’t require members to attend every meeting and event. It is a flexible option for those with rigid schedules.
Joining the club is simple. Just find one of the emails or flyers sponsoring the group and follow the directions, or go here to find a PDF of the application.
“Being a member is fun because it gives you opportunities to do activities you normally wouldn’t do,” said Belasco.
If you’re interested in becoming a member, make sure to check out the R&W Club page on the NCI at Frederick website or email the club for more information.