Take a Hike Day – September 19
Occupational Health Services and the R&W Club teamed up again to hold Take a Hike Day on September 19. About 45 employees walked or jogged the 1.3-mile course around Fort Detrick during their lunch hours. The event is designed to encourage employees to engage in physical activity, according to Sarah Hooper, RN, manager of OHS. Sports pouch kits that included a water bottle, sunscreen, and an exercise band were given out as prizes to those employees who correctly answered walking trivia questions. The next Take a Hike Day will be held in the spring.
Green Team Fall Plant Swap – October 7
This year, the NCI at Frederick Green Team held its annual Fall Plant Swap in conjunction with the Farmers’ Market on October 7. More than 40 plants were swapped, including irises, miniatures irises, and lilies of the valley. All plants were claimed by noon, although the event ran until 1:30 p.m. “We were again very pleased that all donated plants found a home,” said Howard Young, Ph.D. (pictured), deputy laboratory chief, Laboratory of Experimental Immunology. The swap was coordinated by Green Team members Young and Dolores Winterstein, guest researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Immunoregulation. The next Plant Swap will be held during Spring Research Festival week.