The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Department provides the “Help Desk” as a valuable resource to both our internal and external customers. Our talented and knowledgeable staff are available to assist with a wide variety of questions, concerns, or issues. Please read below for a better understanding of the services provided as well as some tips (including what information is needed to expedite your request).
- The Help Desk is staffed from 6:45am through 4:00pm, Monday through Friday and supports both the Main Campus and the ATRF.
- For after-hours emergencies on the main campus, contact Protective Services at x1091.
- For after-hours emergencies at the ATRF, contact ATRF Protective Services at x4901.
- Call the Help Desk at x1068 to report urgent situations. Please do not email urgent or emergency requests.
FME Help Desk personnel do not schedule work for the Shops. Once the work order is generated by the Help Desk, the assigned lead shop will be your point of contact for work status updates.
- For phone issues (e.g., adding lines, voicemail password issues, relocation), please contact the Computer Help Desk at x5115. For all other phone-related issues, please contact the FME Help Desk at x1068. Please click on the telephone graphic for additional information.
- For unusual odors, call EHS at x1451.
- For relocation of decaled equipment and surplus items, contact Property and Accountability at fredproperty@mail.nih.gov. Property Transfer Forms are required to relocate or surplus equipment and can be found here: https://ncifrederick.cancer.gov/cad/Media/Documents/Transfer.pdf.
When calling or emailing the Help Desk, please have the following information available:
Property Decal Number (if applicable)
- Location (Building and Room)
- Project ID for charges
- Name of requestor (person who contacts the Help Desk)
- Name of contact person (point of contact for shop craftsman)
- Clear description of the issue
Please note: The requestor is the individual who receives the survey following work order completion, not the contact person.
Safety Tip
Keep emergency contact information handy. Click on the cell phone below for instructions on how to add important contact information to your cell phone:
Click the link below for additional in-depth information about FME:
Contact the Help Desk
Phone: 301-846-1068