Madelyne Xiao, right, looks on as partner Nikhil Gowda, center, poses the correct question in a previous Student Science Jeopardy Tournament.
Two exciting events are coming this summer from the Scientific Library—the annual Student Science Jeopardy Tournament and the Summer Video Series.
This will be the 10th year that the library staff has offered a Jeopardy tournament for high school and undergraduate students. Much has changed since this event was first held in 2007, but the one constant throughout the years has been the enthusiasm of the students who participate. This year, the 10th Annual Student Science Jeopardy Tournament will be held on Wednesday, July 20, beginning at 10 a.m. in the auditorium of Building 549. The event will also be streamed live to the Advanced Technology Research Facility (ATRF), room E1203.
Registration for this event is open from June 20 to July 13, or until 10 teams have registered. Each team is comprised of two students who are currently working at NCI at Frederick, Advanced Technology Research Facility, or Army students on the Fort Detrick campus. All students are encouraged to register and join the fun.
The Scientific Library’s second summer event is the always popular Summer Video Series, which will be held at two locations: the Scientific Library’s Technology Training Lab in Building 549, and the ATRF Library, room E2003. This summer, the library will offer “Breakthrough,” a six-part program from National Geographic. This is a revolutionary series about scientific explorers and how their cutting-edge innovations and advancements will change our lives in the immediate future and beyond. Each episode, created and directed by top Hollywood talents—Ron Howard, Akiva Goldsman, Paul Giamatti, Peter Berg, Brett Ratner, and Angela Bassett—explores a project with breakthrough potential and transformative tools that could solve pressing problems.
Information on each event, including Jeopardy registration and the “Breakthrough” schedule, is available from the spotlight section of the Scientific Library’s website.