NIH Campus
Bethesda, MD 20894

April 1-5, 2024
Advances in tumor sequencing have resulted in large scale genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic datasets. The analysis of these datasets has led to several new discoveries in cancer. For this reason, many cancer research institutions in the private sector, government and academia now have groups of computer scientists, genomicists, mathematicians, statisticians, engineers and physicists to develop algorithmic methods to analyze these datasets. Unfortunately, there has been limited interactions and exchange between different communities of researchers engaged in such activities. SSACB aims to increase these interactions by bringing together a small group of participants, including about 30 faculty and a limited group of trainees (postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students) with diverse backgrounds and expertise.
SSACB faculty is composed of a diverse mixture of new and established researchers interested in rigorous computational method development for a variety of problems in cancer biology. SSACB faculty will present their latest research through traditional in person talks; additionally SSACB will feature (longer) tutorials to cover recent advances in distinct subfields. These will lead to in-depth discussions during breaks. Trainees will also have opportunities to present their work through posters and lightning talks. SSACB will additionally feature several social activities, not only for the trainees but also faculty, during which participants will be encouraged to interact with others especially from different fields.
SSACB Organizers:
Mohammed El Kebir (UIUC), Mikhail Kolmogorov (NCI), Salem Malikic (NCI), Teresa Przytycka (NCBI), Ben Raphael (Princeton U), Cenk Sahinalp (NCI), Mona Singh (Princeton U)
SSACB 2024 registration is now closed. If you have any questions please send an email to algorithmiccancerbiology@gmail.com