One of the many services provided through our Exterior and Structural Systems shop is “Moving” Services. Planning, coordination and proper paperwork are critical to ensure a successful move. Please read on for some tips and factoids to help guide you through your requests for these services.
Moving is a broad term which encompasses many types of activity such as:
- Delivery of new equipment, instrumentation and furnishings, processed through the Receiving Department.
- Relocation of existing equipment, instrumentation and furnishings from one location to another either on campus or to an offsite location.
- Transport existing equipment to and from the FME Shops for repair/servicing.
- Transport of various types of equipment and instrumentation to the Shipping Department (occasionally via the shop to be crated) for shipping.
- All requests to move or relocate tagged equipment must come to us through the Property Accountability Department.
We do not circle back to remove discarded packing material at time of delivery unless unpacking and refuse disposal services are requested.
- We are ready to assist you with your moving needs; however, we have a relatively small labor force and as such our in-house staff only perform small scale moves such as freezers, science equipment, offices, and desks. Typically, large scale bulk moves are outsourced.
- All securing and ballasting should be done by others. Please have all supplies and personal effects packed prior to our arrival. We do not pack. Moving totes can be provided subject to availability and as coordinated through your Building Coordinator (to identify your Building Coordinator click on the building).
- “Decaled” items must be processed through the Property Accountability Office prior to moving. This step in the process is critical to ensure accurate historical records on location for inventory and maintenance. You can contact Property at fredproperty@mail.nih.gov. Property Transfer Forms are required to relocate or surplus equipment.
To ensure the safety of our personnel, please observe all EHS policies and procedures that require all applicable equipment to be emptied, cleaned/decontaminated, inspected, and tagged by the appropriate EHS or Lab technician prior to move. Equipment will not be moved if the assigned craft employee observes these safeguards have not been taken. Click on bottle for more information.
Proper Lifting Techniques
- Do not attempt to lift by bending forward. Bend your hips and knees to squat down to your load. Keep it close to your body, and straighten your legs to lift.
- Never lift a heavy object above shoulder level.
- Avoid turning or twisting your body while lifting or holding a heavy object.
Click the link below for additional in-depth information about FME:
Contact the Help Desk
E-mail: fmetrbldsk@nih.gov
Phone: 301-846-1068