
Remembering Joseph Mayo and His Contributions to Animal Science

By Carolynne Keenan, Guest Writer

In the 1990s, when Joseph Mayo, D.V.M, ran out of gas leading coworkers home from a meeting in Bethesda, he pulled over to the side of the road on I-270 and waited for help. He didn’t have to wait long; within a few minutes a passing motorist took pity on the group of scientists and offered them a lift back to Fort Detrick.

Nancy Colburn Retires after 36 Years, Becomes Scientist Emeritus

By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer

Although Nancy Colburn, Ph.D., retired in January after 36 years at NCI, she won’t be disappearing from the NCI campus at Frederick anytime soon; she’s been appointed scientist emeritus in the Laboratory of Cancer Prevention (LCP), Center for Cancer Research (CCR).

Beginning of a Career in Molecular Biology

Porter Takes Reins of the FNL Green Team

Courtesy of the FNL Green Team

Melissa Porter, who recently joined the staff of Craig Reynolds, Ph.D., director, Office of Scientific Operations, as administrative manager, has stepped forward to lead the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNL) Green Team in its efforts to promote a “green” work environment. “I am excited to lead the FNL Green Team and have been impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of the FNL Green Team,” Porter said.

Robert Blumenthal: More than 40 Years at FNL

By Carolynne Keenan, Guest Writer

Robert Blumenthal, Ph.D., is a nanotechnology and cell membrane expert at Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNL)—just as you would imagine someone with more than 40 years of experience in biomedical research would be.

Blumenthal started his career as a principal investigator (PI) at NCI in Bethesda, but since 1997, he has called FNL (formerly NCI-Frederick) his home.

Genetics Research Discovered in a Bestseller

By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer

One morning in early January, Amar Klar sat down at his computer and found an e-mail with a curious message from a colleague.

While reading a bestselling novel, The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides, his colleague, a professor at Princeton University, found a description of research on yeast genetics that was surprisingly similar to Klar’s early research. Even the laboratory in the novel was reminiscent of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where Klar had conducted his research.

Ned Greenberg: 50 Years and Counting

By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer

Can you imagine working for the same company for 50 years? Nathaniel “Ned” Greenberg has accomplished just that, having recently received his 50-year service award from NIH, and he has no immediate plans for retirement.

“I don’t look upon my job as a chore, it’s more of an avocation than a vocation,” said Greenberg, a chemist in the Biological Testing Branch (BTB), under Branch Chief Melinda Hollingshead, DVM, Ph.D. “I am lucky that I found something that I enjoy doing.”

Beginning a Career at NCI

These Women Make a Difference in Our Lives

By Maritta Perry Grau, Staff Writer

Producing viral vectors for in vitro and in vivo studies, evaluating new technologies, organizing outreach and internal events and special programs, preparing site visit reports, helping make newcomers feel comfortable, collaborating on statistics and other projects—these are just some of the ways that the women of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research go about their everyday work lives—and in the process, make history.

FME Carpentry Shop Keeps Facility in Good Repair

By Peggy Pearl, Contributing Writer

Did you know that what most people call the Carpentry Shop at Facilities Maintenance and Engineering (FME) is actually made up of the three crafts, woodcrafting, painting, and locksmithing?

 On any given day, throughout the Frederick National Laboratory campus, you may find shop staff utilizing an assortment of tools and a wide range of skills on projects ranging from simple maintenance to complete renovations.

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