October 2017

Former NCI Scientist Leaps into 80th Year of Adventurous Life

Dolph Hatfield, Ph.D., doesn’t let much slow him down. Outside the lab, the newly minted octogenarian, a scientist emeritus in NCI’s Center for Cancer Research, has spent much of his life traveling the world and completing exploits of athletic endurance. So it’s only fitting that he would celebrate his latest birthday by bungee jumping off the Macau Tower in China.

Fall Take a Hike Features a New Poster Puzzler Challenge

The recent Take a Hike event, sponsored by Occupational Health Services, featured a new twist: A Poster Puzzler challenge courtesy of Scientific Publications, Graphics and Media. Participants were asked to identify words on six objects along the Hike path based on photographs that showed the objects with the words blurred out.

OHS Redecorates Exam Rooms to Educate Patients

Occupational Health Services interns are educating patients during their visits via updated exam rooms that now display health-related “themes” like cancer, general health, mental health, and travel safety. They hope the vibrant designs and intriguing facts they’ve displayed will attract attention and benefit patients.

The Annual Fall Book Swap Is On!

The Scientific Library staff is happy to announce that our 17th Annual Book and Media Swap will be held again this year beginning on Wednesday, November 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Building 549. If you need to make room for new books, are looking for new homes for your old books, or are tired of viewing those same old DVDs over and over, then the Swap is for you. Collection for materials has already begun, but donations will continue to be accepted through Tuesday, October 31.

A Change to the Platinum Publications

Please be advised that the Poster will no longer publish the “Platinum Publications” series listing recent NCI at Frederick publications. All published research represents a valuable addition to the fight against cancer, AIDS, and infectious diseases—thus, the “Platinum Publications” did not adequately commend all of the important work done by NCI at Frederick researchers. 

Going forward, we will highlight a broad cross section of research with more tightly focused stories that should interest the entire NCI at Frederick community. In addition, we encourage readers to visit the Scientific Library's NCI at Frederick Scientific Publications database to see recently published research as well as a list of past NCI at Frederick publications. Thank you.