Poster Staff
The first National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR) Exploring Careers in a Scientific Environment Symposium was held on Feb. 18 at the Advanced Technology Research Facility. The event drew more than 70 Frederick County public school teachers, who learned about the wide range of biomedical research being conducted by scientists in the NICBR agencies, as well as the variety of opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in science and/or technology.
By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer
On May 6, the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) will sponsor a symposium to honor 50 years of leadership from its founding director, Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., M.D., who stepped down from the position in July 2012.
The conference, entitled “Cancer Epidemiology: From Pedigrees to Populations,” will highlight critical findings in cancer epidemiology from the last 50 years, as well as opportunities for future research directions.
Long History of Leadership and Discovery
Each year, the Employee Diversity Team (EDT) acknowledges members of the NCI at Frederick Community for their achievements and contributions towards the mission of facility. Historically, the team has profiled the “Women of NCI at Frederick,” but this year, the team decided to instead shed light on the diverse and successful individuals who make up the international fellows community.
By Andrea Frydl, Contributing Writer
The 18th annual Spring Research Festival (SRF) will take place May 5–8 at the NCI Campus at Frederick and Fort Detrick. This is the second year that the event is sponsored by the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR), an interagency committee made up of various research entities located within Fort Detrick.
By Robin Meckley, Contributing Writer
The 14th annual Book and Media Swap will be held on Wednesday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the lobby of the Conference Center in Building 549.
The staff is holding the swap to coincide with National Library Week, an annual celebration of libraries that occurs in April.
As of April 10, the library had collected nearly 2,000 books, DVDs, and CDs for the swap. Employees who donated these items received book cards indicating the number of items donated.