If you need to have a breakfast or lunch event/meeting catered, look no further than the Discovery Café in Building 549.
You can now place catering orders online for groups of five or more. The café will provide catering services for events or meetings held onsite, as well as those held at the Advanced Technology Research Facility. Orders are delivered to the site of the event or meeting.
By Anne Arthur, Guest Writer
The Second Annual David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award presentation was held on November 12, 2013, at the NCI at Frederick Conference Center to honor David Derse’s outstanding research accomplishments and to stimulate the exchange of innovative ideas that Derse was well known for promoting throughout his scientific career.
The Annual David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award is sponsored by the HIV Drug Resistance Program, with support from Hye Kyung Chung-Derse, Ph.D., the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Foundation for the National Institutes of
Platinum Publications are selected from articles by NCI at Frederick scientists published in 21 prestigious science journals. This list represents new publications generated from PubMed as of the date shown above.
Articles designated as Platinum Highlights are noteworthy articles selected by Dr. Craig Reynolds, associate director, National Cancer Institute, from among the most recently published Platinum Publications.
By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer
For the third year in a row, Jim Stull’s chili recipe was the winner at the annual Protective Services Chili Cookoff, now in its 11th year.
And for the third year, Stull, an animal care supervisor in the Laboratory Animal Sciences Program, brought a brand new recipe to the competition—Hawaiian Chili.
The NCI at Frederick Office of Scientific Operations and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) have just released seven informational videos describing the people and mission of FNLCR.