Spring 2022, blooming flowers
2022 New Year, New Discoveries: Images of scientists conducting experiments and various lab equipment
Rotator commemorating NCI at Frederick's 50th anniversary: black-and-white images of scientists and staff working at the facility and meeting with other scientists
Winter 2021 rotator: images of snow, icicles, and holly at NCI at Frederick
Science in Frederick rotator: images of devices and scientists performing experiments

Spring and rain are nearly inseparable in the public conscious. English speakers in the Northern Hemisphere have been repeating the proverb, “April showers bring May flowers,” in some form for at least 500 years. Geoffrey Chaucer even begins his famous Canterbury Tales with mention of the spring rains. Small wonder that rain and water are on the minds of staff in Environment, Health, and Safety as another Frederick winter turns to spring. But their thoughts are considerably less whimsical than proverbs or poetry. In fact, they’re all business.
Nominations for the 2021 Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNL) Achievement Awards are now underway. This program honors and recognizes staff members for outstanding contributions to the FNL mission over the past year. Nominations will be accepted through March 13. This is an entirely peer-nominated awards program, and all employees are encouraged to nominate their colleagues.
In 1972, soon after then-President Richard Nixon’s newly established Frederick Cancer Research Center hired its first employees, 24-year-old Kunio Nagashima put on a suit and tie and boarded a Boeing 747 at Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport. An electron microscopist from Kyoto University, Nagashima had a one-way ticket in his hand, bound for the United States and ready to take a new job—sight unseen.
Women Scientists Advisors (WSA) was established in 1993 and comprises elected representatives from each NIH Institute or Center who volunteer their time to support other female scientists on issues ranging from pay equity to work/family balance and leadership opportunities. 
There are times where opportunities are not present in our environment, so sometimes it’s necessary to make them. Like the famous paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson said, “one must take initiative in life to achieve what he or she wants.” That is exactly what Laura Prestia, Ph.D., and her colleagues, Robert Sons, Ph.D., and Alan Alfano, Ph.D., did in 2016 when they started the Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program (TTAP).

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Labor Day
September 2, 2024

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October 14, 2024

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November 11, 2024

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November 28, 2024

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December 25, 2024

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January 1, 2025

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January 20, 2025

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February 17, 2025