Spring 2022, blooming flowers
2022 New Year, New Discoveries: Images of scientists conducting experiments and various lab equipment
Rotator commemorating NCI at Frederick's 50th anniversary: black-and-white images of scientists and staff working at the facility and meeting with other scientists
Winter 2021 rotator: images of snow, icicles, and holly at NCI at Frederick
Science in Frederick rotator: images of devices and scientists performing experiments

Platinum Publications are selected from articles by NCI at Frederick scientists published in 42 prestigious science journals. This list represents articles published during the time period shown above, as generated from PubMed. Articles designated as Platinum Highlights are noteworthy articles selected from among the most recently published Platinum Publications.   
Do you ever dream you could fight a fire, conduct fascinating experiments, and eat ice cream all in one day? A record number of kids—285 in all—got to do just that during the NCI at Frederick’s annual Take Your Child to Work Day.
Occupational Health Services (OHS) got people excited to walk at the summer Take a Hike event with fun prizes, free food, and a chance to win the grand prize—a Cigna-branded duffel bag full of items such as an exercise band, sport bottle, body mass index (BMI) pedometer, lip balm, and sunscreen.
The annual Take Your Child to Work Day event had many exciting activities, including the Poster Puzzler challenge.
You probably don’t give much thought to hand health. Until something goes wrong, almost everyone takes for granted that these crucial appendages will continue working as they always have. But hand health is an important consideration, especially at work. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis account for 15–20 percent of all reported occupational diseases, and they cost employers an estimated $1 billion each year in lost workdays and decreased productivity.

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Dates to Note

Upcoming Holidays

Labor Day
September 2, 2024

Columbus Day
October 14, 2024

Veterans Day
November 11, 2024

Thanksgiving Day
November 28, 2024

Christmas Day
December 25, 2024

New Year's Day
January 1, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20, 2025

Presidents Day
February 17, 2025