Spring 2022, blooming flowers
2022 New Year, New Discoveries: Images of scientists conducting experiments and various lab equipment
Rotator commemorating NCI at Frederick's 50th anniversary: black-and-white images of scientists and staff working at the facility and meeting with other scientists
Winter 2021 rotator: images of snow, icicles, and holly at NCI at Frederick
Science in Frederick rotator: images of devices and scientists performing experiments

Most employees of NCI at Frederick have heard of the Werner H. Kirsten Student Intern Program (WHK SIP). The reason is simple—it has been wildly successful. And on Friday, April 22, the program will celebrate 25 years of mentoring and learning at the WHK SIP 25th Anniversary Symposium and Awards Ceremony. During the morning session, several former interns will talk about the impact that the WHK program has had on their lives. The afternoon session will begin with a panel of current and former mentors who will answer questions from students interested in the program and staff members
Many aspects of how infectious viruses assemble in cells have yet to be completely deciphered. However, as reported in a recent Journal of Virology paper, researchers may be one step closer to understanding how HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDS, assembles and replicates.
A new system has been developed for reporting safety issues in the workplace. The Environment, Health, and Safety’s (EHS’) Safety Inspection and Issue Management System (SIIMS) is an online resource where any employee can report a problem or issue, said Siobhan Tierney, program manager at EHS.
A winner has emerged in the most recent Poster Puzzler contest! Congratulations are in order for Rose Bradley, secretary III, Cancer Research Technology Program. The current Poster Puzzler image shows the refrigerant condensers for the two story freezers in the Building 1073 repository, which are used to store samples at -20°C. Put simply, the condensers act like the outdoor unit on a home AC system.
The SRF, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, aims to “acquaint our [NCI at Frederick and Fort Detrick] neighbors––scientists, citizens, and especially students––with the nature of our research and to facilitate collaboration between partner agencies.”  The event is open to the Fort Detrick and NCI at Frederick communities and invited guests.

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Labor Day
September 2, 2024

Columbus Day
October 14, 2024

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November 11, 2024

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November 28, 2024

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December 25, 2024

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January 1, 2025

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January 20, 2025

Presidents Day
February 17, 2025