
WHK Is Better Than an A

Editor’s note: The following is a retrospective commentary on the Werner H. Kirsten Student Internship Program from a recent alumni.

Here I was, an 18-year-old student intern with a chance to interview a prominent research scientist and suddenly, face-to-face with her, I ran out of questions. Silence filled the room. Now what? My Urbana High School classes had not prepared me to answer that question. Well, they had not prepared me to interview a scientist, either. 

Inside the Scientific Arsenal: Three Devices to Explore the Unknown

“Here are lions.” This fanciful phrase for the unknown embellishes the blank areas of antiquated maps. Sometimes cartographers used the phrase “Terra Incognita” (“unknown land”) instead. Either way, the message was clear: we don’t know what’s beyond this point. The modern study of genetics is similar.

You Can Make a Difference for Just $9 a Year

You probably receive a plethora of ads in your inbox that you delete before giving them a second thought. But if you take a closer look at some of them, you’ll discover that you’re passing up cookies, donuts, yoga, and fun Christmas and other events, among many other opportunities. That’s right—the Recreation and Welfare (R&W) Club, a group dedicated to the health and well-being of NCI at Frederick staff as well as the local community, hosts a variety of entertaining events.

Where Are They Now: Jackie Stewart’s Story Comes Full Circle

When Jackie Stewart accepted her dream job with the Frederick National Laboratory’s Laboratory Animal Sciences Program last year, it wasn’t the first time she had set foot on the sprawling campus owned by NCI at Frederick, the national lab’s government sponsor and partner. Stewart had spent the 2007–2008 school year and every summer and winter from 2008–2011 as a student intern at the Frederick National Laboratory and NCI at Frederick.

EHS Drill Simulates Speedy Distribution of Antibiotics Following Bioterrorism Attack

Distributing lifesaving antibiotics to 9,000 people within 24 hours of a bioterrorism attack is among the responsibilities of the Environment, Health and Safety Directorate of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. With that life-or-death mission in mind, EHS ran a drill on July 19 at the NCI at Frederick in response to a simulated attack.

Student Interns’ Research Wins at Spring Research Festival and County Science Fair

At the annual Spring Research Festival on Fort Detrick, they placed first in the First-in-Development Cell Biology category. At the Frederick County Science and Engineering Fair, they won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Award of Excellence in Computer Science and placed second in the Molecular and Cell Biology category. 

Yet despite these accomplishments, Alexis Adkins and Jacqueline Chung said they didn’t consider themselves “real scientists.” Maybe that’s because they lacked a science degree—or, until very recently, even a high school diploma. However, they are indisputably real scientists. 

Please Help EHS by Participating in the Bioterrorism Response Drill This Week

Waiting in line usually isn’t the way to prepare for a life-or-death situation, but this Friday will be an exception. NCI at Frederick will take part in an exercise that tests how quickly it could distribute antibiotics to employees, families, and visitors in response to a simulated bioterrorism anthrax attack in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Employees will be asked to go to Building 426, fill out a two-question form, briefly wait in line, and pick up the “pill bottles.” Participation is voluntary, but the Environment, Health, and Safety Directorate (EHS)—which is supervising the exercise—needs at least 50 people and is asking everyone on the NCI at Frederick campus to participate.

Take Your Child to Work Day: A Little Work, A Little Play, A Lot of Science

The second-floor conference room in Building 538 exploded into a blur of motion as children began looking for clues to help Dr. Chaos fill in the last four pieces of “the human genetic code.” With just 10 minutes to solve the puzzle, they rushed around, sifted through science-themed items, and scoured the workspace-turned-escape room for leads. Seven minutes later, they succeeded, triumphantly emerging into the hallway.

30 Years Later, WHK Program Remains a Singular Opportunity

NCI at Frederick’s newest student interns smiled for a group photo outside the Advanced Technology Research Facility. Forty-eight young faces stared at the camera, looking excited but slightly overwhelmed. Later that same evening, the students took part in the Incoming Ceremony, the official start to what many in the past have considered one of the most meaningful journeys of their lives.