Occupational Health Services

Seeking Relief from Sinus Congestion: Exploring Medication Options

Experiencing a persistent cough, tight chest, and sinus discomfort can be uncomfortable. When you have these symptoms, it’s natural to seek medication to help ease your symptoms and promote healing.

As a nurse practitioner, I have faced the dilemma of finding suitable over-the-counter cold remedies without a clear, evidence-based answer. Standing in the cold and sinus aisle, the abundance of products is overwhelming. To make an informed decision, I considered the underlying causes of sinus congestion, including common colds, nasal irritants, and environmental triggers.

OHS Redecorates Exam Rooms to Educate Patients

Occupational Health Services interns are educating patients during their visits via updated exam rooms that now display health-related “themes” like cancer, general health, mental health, and travel safety. They hope the vibrant designs and intriguing facts they’ve displayed will attract attention and benefit patients.