By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer
Scientific Publications, Graphics & Media (SPGM) moves to a new location this month—Building 434. The entrance is located on Wood Street.
The move will take place between Monday, February 24, and Friday, February 28. During the move, SPGM will limit disruptions to service as much as possible.
A sign in front of the building will direct you to the department’s new location. Please visit SPGM in Building 434 beginning Monday, March 3.
By Andrea Frydl, Contributing Writer, and Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer
More than 60 NCI at Frederick government and contractor employees were recognized at the NCI Director’s Awards Ceremony on Nov. 14, held on the main NIH campus in Bethesda.
By Robin Meckley, Contributing Writer
The new RAS initiative recently undertaken at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research has prompted the Scientific Library to provide support in a creative way to the laboratories at the Advanced Technology Research Facility (ATRF), where the research is centered.
By Melissa Porter, Executive Editor
The Poster newsletter staff is pleased to present you with the all-new Poster website. Now you can access all the latest information from the National Cancer Institute at Frederick from your smart phone, tablet, notebook, or any other device with an Internet connection.
By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer
Occupational Health Services and the Recreation and Welfare (R&W) Club Frederick teamed up for the first Take a Hike Day at NCI at Frederick on November 21.
Employees were encouraged to hike, walk, jog, or run the 1.3-mile course around Fort Detrick.
“For those employees who walk all the time, the event gave them a partner to walk with, and for those that do not walk all the time, it gave inspiration that 1.3 miles was not a formidable distance,” said Sarah Hooper, manager of Occupational Health Services.