Occupational Health Services

Look Forward to Take a Hike Day This Spring

Are you looking forward to spring? Join Occupational Health Services (OHS) and the R&W Club Frederick for the next Take a Hike Day in April. At the fall event, about 30 employees walked or jogged the 1.3-mile course around the NCI at Frederick campus during their lunch hours.

The event is designed to encourage employees to engage in physical activity, according to Sarah Hooper, manager of OHS.

“It was so wonderful to see employees walking to wellness,” said Emily Burnett, a Werner H. Kirsten student intern in OHS who helped plan the fall event.

OHS Encouraged Employees to “Take a Hike” Twice in April

By Carolynne Keenan, Contributing Writer

The chilly weather didn’t dampen the spirits of Take a Hike Day participants on Wednesday, April 2. Over 50 employees braved cool, misty weather to walk or jog around Fort Detrick during their lunch hours.

“The Take a Hike Day is [a way] to encourage everyone to get up and get moving,” said Sarah Hooper, RN, manager of Occupational Health Services (OHS). “OHS and the R&W partnered to encourage employees to engage in physical activity to improve their health.”

Employees Encouraged to Exercise at Work on Take a Hike Day

By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer

Occupational Health Services and the Recreation and Welfare (R&W) Club Frederick teamed up for the first Take a Hike Day at NCI at Frederick on November 21.

Employees were encouraged to hike, walk, jog, or run the 1.3-mile course around Fort Detrick.

“For those employees who walk all the time, the event gave them a partner to walk with, and for those that do not walk all the time, it gave inspiration that 1.3 miles was not a formidable distance,” said Sarah Hooper, manager of Occupational Health Services.

Students Combine Studies with Stethoscopes

By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer

Janine Bahsali and Esther Shafer are Middletown High School seniors who go to school in the morning and spend their afternoons taking blood pressure, assisting with physical exams, learning how to draw a blood sample and stitch a wound closed, and generally assisting the staff of Occupational Health Services (OHS), a health care department serving more than 2,000 employees at NCI at Frederick.

Reminder: Medical Surveillance Forms Must Be Up-to-Date

By Theresa Bell, Guest Writer

If you work in a laboratory, or you have contact with animals or animal materials, you work with human biomaterials or infectious agents, or you are exposed to radiation or other hazards in your day-to-day duties, you should be enrolled in the appropriate medical surveillance program.