Take a Hike

Fall Take a Hike Features a New Poster Puzzler Challenge

The recent Take a Hike event, sponsored by Occupational Health Services, featured a new twist: A Poster Puzzler challenge courtesy of Scientific Publications, Graphics and Media. Participants were asked to identify words on six objects along the Hike path based on photographs that showed the objects with the words blurred out.

Take a Hike Event Shows Employees the Benefits of Walking

Occupational Health Services (OHS) got people excited to walk at the summer Take a Hike event with fun prizes, free food, and a chance to win the grand prize—a Cigna-branded duffel bag full of items such as an exercise band, sport bottle, body mass index (BMI) pedometer, lip balm, and sunscreen.

OHS Encourages People to Hike Despite the Heat

Even the blazing heat could not stop people from enjoying the Occupational Health Services’ (OHS) most recent Take a Hike event, which promoted healthy living.  

The red, white, and blue–themed, 1.3-mile walk was the fifth such event since 2014 for NCI at Frederick. People got out of their offices to exercise, show off their patriotism, and win prizes.

Look Forward to Take a Hike Day This Spring

Are you looking forward to spring? Join Occupational Health Services (OHS) and the R&W Club Frederick for the next Take a Hike Day in April. At the fall event, about 30 employees walked or jogged the 1.3-mile course around the NCI at Frederick campus during their lunch hours.

The event is designed to encourage employees to engage in physical activity, according to Sarah Hooper, manager of OHS.

“It was so wonderful to see employees walking to wellness,” said Emily Burnett, a Werner H. Kirsten student intern in OHS who helped plan the fall event.

OHS Encouraged Employees to “Take a Hike” Twice in April

By Carolynne Keenan, Contributing Writer

The chilly weather didn’t dampen the spirits of Take a Hike Day participants on Wednesday, April 2. Over 50 employees braved cool, misty weather to walk or jog around Fort Detrick during their lunch hours.

“The Take a Hike Day is [a way] to encourage everyone to get up and get moving,” said Sarah Hooper, RN, manager of Occupational Health Services (OHS). “OHS and the R&W partnered to encourage employees to engage in physical activity to improve their health.”