November 2019

The Female Coalition Building a Better NIH for All

Nearly two decades ago, NIH’s first female director formed a task force to evaluate the status of women scientists in the Intramural Research Program. The resulting report led to the creation of the Women Scientist Advisors, a group that counsels senior leaders in each institute and center on issues facing women in the sciences.

Memorial Lecture to Honor One Scientist’s Legacy and Another’s Accomplishments

On November 19, an internationally renowned virologist will visit NCI at Frederick to deliver a lecture in the Building 549 auditorium. Beatrice Hahn, M.D., was invited by the NCI HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, which is hosting her as the speaker and recipient of the Eighth Annual David Derse Memorial Lecture and Award.

Portrait of a Crystallographer

Alexander Wlodawer, Ph.D., displays a family tree on the wall near his office, but none of his relatives appear among its branches. In fact, with a few exceptions, the people listed on it aren’t genetically related to each other. Instead, it’s the Family Tree of Crystallography, a who-trained-who of famous scientists that extends back to the first crystallographic experiment in 1913.

NCI at Frederick Employees Follow Clues to Thousands of Books, DVDs, and CDs at 19th Annual Book and Media Swap

The Scientific Library’s 19th Annual Book and Media Swap officially kicked off on October 30, and dozens of NCI at Frederick employees have visited Building 549 to browse through over 2,700 donated books, DVDs, and CDs.

Dr. Manta Captures Top Prize at R&W Club Costume Contest

The Recreation and Welfare Club Frederick hosted a Halloween costume contest in the Discovery Café on October 31 that featured bugs, Beanie Babies, and bovines, among other creative costumes. Contestants gathered in the back of the Café and stood, gallery style, while lunch-goers voted on their favorite get-ups.