
FNLCR Set to Launch Full-Scale Assault on Ras

By Frank Blanchard, Staff Writer

Armed with an array of leading-edge technologies, scientific and technical expertise, and the full backing of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) scientific advisers, the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) is preparing to launch a full-scale attack against an intractable problem:  the cancer-causing family of Ras genes.

NICBR Announces First Collaboration Project Awards

Courtesy of the NICBR Public Affairs/Community Relations Subcommittee

The National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR) announced the 2012 NICBR Collaboration Project Award (CPA) Program winners in December. The award, the first of its kind for NICBR, was adapted from the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Young Investigator Award Program. This year, the CPA was bestowed to three research projects pertaining to collaborations between NICBR agencies.

Remembering Joseph Mayo and His Contributions to Animal Science

By Carolynne Keenan, Guest Writer

In the 1990s, when Joseph Mayo, D.V.M, ran out of gas leading coworkers home from a meeting in Bethesda, he pulled over to the side of the road on I-270 and waited for help. He didn’t have to wait long; within a few minutes a passing motorist took pity on the group of scientists and offered them a lift back to Fort Detrick.

BDP Is Unified at the ATRF

By Ken Michaels, Staff Writer

The Biopharmaceutical Development Program (BDP) at the Frederick National Laboratory is, for the first time ever, in a single building at the Advanced Technology Research Facility (ATRF).

At Fort Detrick, BDP operations were spread out in about a dozen buildings, resulting in redundancies in maintaining various utilities (air handlers, clean steam, WFI, etc.) for multiple buildings rather than one.

Protein Laboratories in Single Location

By Andrew Stephen, Timothy Veenstra, and Gordon Whiteley, Guest Writers, and Ken Michaels, Staff Writer

The Laboratory of Proteomics and Analytical Technologies (LPAT), Antibody Characterization Laboratory (ACL), and Protein Chemistry Laboratory (PCL), previously located on different floors or in different buildings, are now together on the first floor of C wing in the ATRF.

PEL Staff Together for the First Time

By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer

John-Paul Denson and Troy Taylor of the Protein Expression Laboratory (PEL) used to pack liters of Escherichia coli lysates on ice, put them in the back of a microvan, and drive across campus to deliver the samples for protein purification.

Now that all PEL staff members are working under the same roof at the Advanced Technology Research Facility (ATRF), transferring samples is just a walk down the hall. Staff members were previously spread out in five buildings across the Fort Detrick campus.

Genetics Research Discovered in a Bestseller

By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer

One morning in early January, Amar Klar sat down at his computer and found an e-mail with a curious message from a colleague.

While reading a bestselling novel, The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides, his colleague, a professor at Princeton University, found a description of research on yeast genetics that was surprisingly similar to Klar’s early research. Even the laboratory in the novel was reminiscent of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where Klar had conducted his research.

How the Scientific Library Helps All Types of Researchers and NCI at Frederick Staff

The Scientific Library serves all types of researchers and support staff at NCI at Frederick, including principal investigators, staff scientists, postdoctoral fellows, postbaccalaureate fellows, lab support staff, and students and interns. NCI at Frederick staff and researchers with different information needs can take advantage of a wide variety of services and resources from the Scientific Library.