Spring 2022, blooming flowers
2022 New Year, New Discoveries: Images of scientists conducting experiments and various lab equipment
Rotator commemorating NCI at Frederick's 50th anniversary: black-and-white images of scientists and staff working at the facility and meeting with other scientists
Winter 2021 rotator: images of snow, icicles, and holly at NCI at Frederick
Science in Frederick rotator: images of devices and scientists performing experiments

This week, Werner H. Kirsten student interns Emme Tissue and Esteban Garcia are launching a training course that could mean the difference between life and death. The duo will teach a class on halting uncontrolled bleeding in individuals who have experienced traumatic injuries such as gunshot wounds or major lacerations. The course is part of the official Stop the Bleed Program, an international initiative that seeks to reduce the number of deaths from traumatic bleeding by training civilians to provide on-site care to the injured. All NCI at Frederick and Frederick National Laboratory
Occurring without notice, unscheduled utility outages (mainly electrical) are abrupt and create a nuisance. During an unscheduled electrical power outage, the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) department will monitor stand-by generators for proper operation. During the outage, the critical equipment identified for connection to the generator should be operating.
On October 18, 1971, President Richard Nixon emerged from the U.S. Army Post Headquarters at Fort Detrick into the sunlight of one of Frederick’s signature autumn mornings. Nearby, a crowd of dignitaries, Army officers, and journalists from local and national news outlets had gathered to hear his remarks about the former biowarfare research facility. He greeted them, paused to make a good-natured joke about the Baltimore Orioles, then delivered an announcement that altered the course of biomedical research in the United States.
Govind Kunduri, Ph.D., watched as a bright light illuminated a transparent tube full of mutant fruit flies. Then, as he prepared to collect data, something unexpected occurred: the flies began having seizures. The flies’ surprising behavior seemed epileptic, but Kunduri, a postdoctoral fellow in the Cancer and Developmental Biology Laboratory (CDBL), part of the Center for Cancer Research at NCI at Frederick, hadn’t intended to study epilepsy.
Summertime is coming, and with it, warmer temperatures—so get out there and enjoy it. The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) department has talented individuals dedicated to maintaining your air conditioning equipment for maximum efficiency. Our staff are always ready to address issues, even in the dog days of summer. Please be assured that we are working diligently to keep you comfortable.

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Dates to Note

Upcoming Holidays

Labor Day
September 2, 2024

Columbus Day
October 14, 2024

Veterans Day
November 11, 2024

Thanksgiving Day
November 28, 2024

Christmas Day
December 25, 2024

New Year's Day
January 1, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20, 2025

Presidents Day
February 17, 2025