Health and Safety

Fall Take a Hike Features a New Poster Puzzler Challenge

The recent Take a Hike event, sponsored by Occupational Health Services, featured a new twist: A Poster Puzzler challenge courtesy of Scientific Publications, Graphics and Media. Participants were asked to identify words on six objects along the Hike path based on photographs that showed the objects with the words blurred out.

OHS Redecorates Exam Rooms to Educate Patients

Occupational Health Services interns are educating patients during their visits via updated exam rooms that now display health-related “themes” like cancer, general health, mental health, and travel safety. They hope the vibrant designs and intriguing facts they’ve displayed will attract attention and benefit patients.

Take a Hike Event Shows Employees the Benefits of Walking

Occupational Health Services (OHS) got people excited to walk at the summer Take a Hike event with fun prizes, free food, and a chance to win the grand prize—a Cigna-branded duffel bag full of items such as an exercise band, sport bottle, body mass index (BMI) pedometer, lip balm, and sunscreen.

Are You at Risk for Contact Dermatitis?

You probably don’t give much thought to hand health. Until something goes wrong, almost everyone takes for granted that these crucial appendages will continue working as they always have. But hand health is an important consideration, especially at work. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis account for 15–20 percent of all reported occupational diseases, and they cost employers an estimated $1 billion each year in lost workdays and decreased productivity.