
Clones complicate a cure and pose problems for people with HIV

A new advance in our understanding of HIV comes from what Steve Hughes, Ph.D., calls “an odd observation.” Certain people living with HIV had only partially suppressed levels of virus in their blood despite being on effective antiretroviral therapy (drugs used to manage HIV). At first, an explanation seemed like it would be simple—but it wasn’t.

Virtual Discussion Panel Highlights Electron Microscopy Services

The Scientific Library recently hosted a discussion panel on electron microscopy services at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at Frederick and Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNL), its third panel of 2020. This Electron Microscopy Discussion Panel brought together specialists from the Electron Microscopy Laboratory, the Center for Molecular Microscopy, and the National Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility.

2020 Technology Showcase brings NCI and FNL technologies to a new audience

The 2020 Technology Showcase welcomed more than 300 viewers for half a day of presentations and panels on technology commercialization and collaboration. The annual event once again highlighted the capabilities of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, and greater Frederick region—but this year, with its novel virtual format, it reached new audiences.

Sequencing Facility Uses Cutting-Edge Technology to Make the Old New Again

Just a few years ago, it was difficult to get any meaningful sequence data from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded patient tissue samples. These biopsy specimens, which are tissues preserved in formaldehyde and embedded in wax for storage, are easy to make and store, even in remote research locations. Many are available, and more are made all the time, for use in experimental research and drug development. Because there are so many samples that have been taken over numerous years, they can also be used to help study the evolution of diseases and viruses.

Virtual Discussion Panel Provides Insights on Data Science

A recent Data Science Discussion Panel, hosted virtually by the Scientific Library, provided more than 60 participants with expert insights about data science in cancer research from six members of Advanced Biomedical Computational Science (ABCS), part of the Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Directorate of the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research.

Inside the War Room Against Drug-Resistant HIV

Steve Hughes, Ph.D., compares HIV research to a war. He and his colleagues are entrenched on a microscopic battlefield, fighting a conflict where seemingly small victories could mean a leap forward. Right now, they are grappling with the emergence of HIV strains resistant to existing antiretroviral drugs, medicines that suppress the virus in people living with HIV.

Serendipitous Collaboration Leads to Potential Therapy for Liver Cancer

The old adage that says two heads are better than one certainly seems true for Mitchell Ho, Ph.D., a senior investigator in the Center for Cancer Research, and Xiaolin Wu, Ph.D., a principal scientist in the Genomics Technology Laboratory, a CCR Core at the Frederick National Laboratory. Together, these two scientists are using next-generation genomics technology to develop, in an animal model, a chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy that might help patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer.